Healthy Inspirations
Myth/Fact : Calcium May Causing Kidney Stone?
Mon, 5 Oct 2020Sometimes to maintain bone health, it is necessary to take calcium supplements. The New York Times reported that the United States Preventive Services Task Force recommendsa maximum of 1,000 mg of calcium per day in postmenopausal women to prevent bone loss, but not much is known about the risks and benefits of taking higher doses.Kidney stones are widely recognized as a major risk of consuming calcium supplements, but this risk appears to related on consuming vitamin D simultaneously.The W...
Read MoreMyth / Fact: Can You Get Myopia from Borrowing Glasses?
Mon, 5 Oct 2020There is a myth circulating in the community about eye health, namely that myopia can be transmitted if we borrow other people's glasses.Is it true?In fact, that's simply not true. Myopia is non contagious. Even if you borrow thick or minus thick cylinder glasses. With a note, you don't borrow it for a long time, for example 1 month.But yet, there is other danger hiding. When normal eyes uses minus glasses, what happens is that eye muscles adjust to vision to stay sharp. Well, if you have t...
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