Healthy Inspirations

Myth/Fact: Eating Seafood Can Cause Hives

Mon, 15 Nov 2021

Urticaria, also known as hives, is swelling accompanied by itching and can appear in various shapes and sizes in one area or all over the body. When scratched, the bumps can spread to other parts of the skin.Some people say that this hives factor can be caused by consuming seafood. Is it true and fact or maybe just a myth? Let's discuss it here.According to Perdoski (Indonesian Association of Dermatologists and Sex Specialists), one of the causes of hives is consuming allergy-causing foods such...

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Myth/Fact: Rainwater Can Make Children Cold

Mon, 8 Nov 2021

"Don't play outside, it is raining, you are going to be sick!" This sentence is often said by parents to forbid children to play in the rain. No surprise, because during the rainy season, usually more children catch colds or flu. For this reason, rain is thought to cause a child to catch a cold. But is this statement true?  a fact or is it just a myth? Based on the information above, the assumption that playing in the rain may cause colds in children is a fact. This does not mean that...

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Rainfall Causes Headaches

Wed, 13 Jan 2021

Along with the arrival of the rainy season in Indonesia, many people are lazy to be exposed to rain because the rain is considered to be a headache. Is that right?Some people believe, when the head is exposed to the rain while not wearing a hat, helmet, or other head protection, it will cause headache. Myth / Fact?Myth! Until now, there has been no research that explains the relationship between headaches and dizziness caused by exposure to rainwater. According to health practitioner Dr. Dewi Em...

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Myth or Fact, Leucorrhoea is a sign of cervical cancer?

Wed, 6 Jan 2021

Leucorrhoea is a natural process that occurs to clean the female sex organs. Excess leucorrhoea is caused by fungi, bacteria, parasites, which are lodged in the vagina.When Leucorrhoea happened, there is usually a clear discharge from the vagina. In addition, vaginal discharge also functions as a lubricant so that it prevents vaginal irritation or infection.Although considered a common thing, vaginal discharge can also be dangerous if too much or too much fluid is released. There is al...

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Myth / Fact: Classical Music Makes Your Brain Smarter?

Wed, 6 Jan 2021

Before the exam, people prepare various measures to be prepared to face the exam. There are those who study so hard t or are just busy making cheat in various forms.and also there are those who choose to listen to classical music all night long because they say it can make us smarter. But, is it true that classical music can make our brains smarter instantly? Unfortunately, this assumption is not true. Because, listening to classical music makes smart was a popular myth in the wor...

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Myth / Fact: Stop Nosebleeds With Betel Leaves

Wed, 6 Jan 2021

Friends of Pramita, have you ever heard that betel leaves can stop bleeding nosebleeds? Myth / fact?It turns out that this has not been verified. dr Rosydiah Rahmawati SpTHT-KL, a doctor who specializes in ear, nose, throat - head and neck surgery revealed that betel leaf can actually speed up bleeding stopping. For example, wounds treated with betel leaf can dry faster. However, for the nosebleed the truth has not been proven. To stop nosebleeds, says Rosydiah, just sit up straight and bleed no...

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