Healthy Inspirations


Tue, 17 Nov 2020

Many men neglect to keep their reproductive organs health, just because they feel still young. Even though reproductive organ is easily affected from lifestyle duringyouth and until marriage, this organ is very important to be maintained.Several measures can be done to maintain male reproductive organs health, including:1. Stop smoking and consume alcoholic beverages.2. Maintain body weight because poor nutritional level may affect sperm quality, thereby reducing male fertility.3....

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Myth / Fact: Night Cycling Causing Pneumonia?

Tue, 17 Nov 2020

Cycling is not only fun, but also has many positive effects that are healthy for the body. There are many cycling communities in Indonesia that do practices, not only during the day,but also at night.But many say that cycling at night can cause pnemumonia, myth / fact?The fact is ... Pneumonia is an inflammation or infection that occurs in the lungs and is usually caused by viruses, fungi, or bacteria. Night wind is not one of the causes of pneumonia. A person experiences pneumonia when the air...

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Benefits of Brown Spotted Bananas

Tue, 17 Nov 2020

In addition to its sweet taste, bananas is known for its rich in nutrients that are good for humans body. The nutrients contained in bananas include carbohydrates, protein, vitamine A, vitamine B6, vitamine C, magnesium, potassium, and others.However, to many of us bananas lose its appeal when brown spots appear. The brown spots on the banana make it look unhealthy, so some people are reluctant to eat it.In fact, bananas with brown spots have several health benefits. Quoting Unbelievable Facts,...

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Easy Ways to Maintain Kidney Health

Tue, 17 Nov 2020

Kidneys is organ that function to filter out waste products and toxins that are not needed by the body. When you have kidney disease, this function will not work properly. That is why maintaining kidney health is important.Kidneys disease can be caused by many things, including infections, autoimmune diseases, and metabolic diseases, such as hypertension, diabetes, and high cholesterol. Actually, to prevent kidney disease,there are simple steps that can be taken, including:-Drink water in suffic...

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Nyeri Betis Jangan Dibiarkan

Tue, 3 Nov 2020

Nyeri betis sering terjadi setelah menjalani aktivitas harian yang padat atau berat. Tingkat keparahannya pun berbeda-beda, bisa sekadar nyeri ringan, hingga merasa sakit seperti tertusuk-tusuk.Terkadang nyeri betis juga disertai beberapa keluhan lain yang terasa lebih berat, seperti kaki terasa lemas dan tampak pucat, pembengkakan, kemerahan, atau kesemutan. Nyeri betis yang disertai kondisi tersebut, sebaiknya segera diperiksa ke dokter. Hal ini dapat menjadi pertanda kondisi yang lebih serius...

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Kapan terakhir kalinya cek oli kendaraan? Dua atau tiga bulan lalu?

Tue, 3 Nov 2020

Lalu, kapan terakhir kalinya Cek Up Kesehatan di tahun ini? Terkadang kita lebih sering memperhatikan kondisi kendaraan dibandingkan diri sendiri. Bila ditahun ini belum Medical Check Up , yuk segera lakukan.Medical Check Up dibutuhkan untuk mendeteksi penyakit-penyakit potensial berbahaya sehingga bila terdeteksi dapat dilakukan pengobatan sejak dini. Kolesterol atau Asam Urat tinggi bahkan penyakit jantung koroner dapat menyerang bahkan saat masih di usia muda.Welcome November, saatnya melakuk...

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