Healthy Inspirations
Cigarettes Are More Dangerous for Women?
Tue, 13 Oct 2020The World Health Organization (WHO) records that there are about 1 billion people in the world who smoke, 200 million of whom are women.Nearly 1.5 million of these women die each year from tobacco consumption.In both men and women, smoking increases the risk of various types of cancer ranging from lung, mouth, esophagus, larynx, bladder, pancreas, and kidneys. Especially for women, smoking also increases the risk of cervical cancer.Smoking also affects menstruation, especially severe premenstrua...
Read MoreBolehkah Penderita Kolesterol Tinggi Makan Telur?
Tue, 13 Oct 2020Telur sudah menjadi menu santapan harian bagi kebanyakan orang. Selain enak dan mudah didapat, telur juga mudah diolah. Namun di balik kenikmatan yang ditawarkan, telur sering dianggap sebagai musuh bebuyutan, khususnya oleh mereka yang memiliki kadar kolesterol tinggi di dalam tubuh. Benarkah?Berdasarkan penelitian dari Harvard Medical School di Amerika Serikat, kolesterol yang terkandung di dalam kuning telur tidak berdampak langsung pada kadar kolesterol darah Anda. Dengan kata lain, konsumsi...
Read MoreMyth/Fact : Calcium May Causing Kidney Stone?
Mon, 5 Oct 2020Sometimes to maintain bone health, it is necessary to take calcium supplements. The New York Times reported that the United States Preventive Services Task Force recommendsa maximum of 1,000 mg of calcium per day in postmenopausal women to prevent bone loss, but not much is known about the risks and benefits of taking higher doses.Kidney stones are widely recognized as a major risk of consuming calcium supplements, but this risk appears to related on consuming vitamin D simultaneously.The W...
Read MoreAfter Eating Junk foods, Drink these!
Mon, 5 Oct 2020Junk food is widely known as a delicious, simple and addicting foodsyet its not healthy. The reason is vary,junk food contains a lot of fat, sugar, salt, and is low in fiber and nutrients.There are several bad effects caused by consuming too much junk food. Among others: high blood pressure, indigestion, respiratory problems, cholesterol, brain problems, diabetes mellitus, and obesity. To minimize this risk, here are drinks that need to be consumed after eating junk food:WaterWater able to disso...
Read MorePlaying War Games Causing Heart Disorders?
Mon, 5 Oct 2020Researchers have long known that high-intensity exercise can lead to serious heart rhythm disorders. But today, it is not necessarily high intensity exercisethat causing this problem. Playing games, especially war genre games, can also trigger heart rhythm disorders. One ask, How come?In particular, the war-genre games have an aftereffect on heart. As with high intensity excercise, someone who plays fighting games too often, its heart beat can become too fast (tachycardia), too slow (bradycardia...
Read MoreHsCRP Test
Mon, 5 Oct 2020HsCRP (High Sensivity C-Reactive Protein) is a test to identify the presence of inflammation or monitor acute phase proteins that inhibit the blood.If systemic inflammation occurs. In recent years, based on epidemiological and clinical studies, CRP (C-Reactive Protein) has received a new role as a marker of inflammation in cardiovascular disease or as a risk parameter for cardiovascular disease.For this role, the measurement of CRP levels needs to use a sensitive method, namely high sensitivity...
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