Healthy Inspirations

Is it safe for Women with diabetes to take birth control pills?

Tue, 15 Dec 2020

Birth control pills are known as one of the most common and practical types of contraception. Besides being easy to get, the use of birth control pills also does not require medical action, youonly need to consult with an obgyn to determine the appropriate type to be consumed, then consume it as recommended to be effective.However, according to a study entitled Oral Contraceptives and the Risk of Myocardial Infraction published on The Plaid Journal, birth control pills as hormonal contraceptives...

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ADHD: Millennial Mental Disorders

Tue, 15 Dec 2020

Along with modern times, mental disorders, which are generally experienced by adults, these days are also experienced by adolescents.Millennials are very vulnerable to various health problems, such as anxiety disorders, depression, and ADHD. ADHD or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a mental disorder that causes its sufferers to have difficulty in focusing as well as having impulsive and hyperactive behaviors.Quoting from the World Health Organization (WHO), 10-20% of adolescents are&n...

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Thu, 3 Dec 2020

PLWHA stands for People Living With HIV / AIDS. In other words, PLWHA are those who have contracted HIV / AIDS. They are often excluded from the community, because their existence is considered dangerous to the surrounding environment. In reality HIV will not be transmitted simply through social contact.HIV (Human Immunodeficienty Virus) is a type of virus attack human immunity. This virus will attack T cells, a type of white blood cell that plays a role in antibody production and atta...

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Myth / Fact: Menstruating Women Should Not Consume Cold F&B

Mon, 30 Nov 2020

Many times we hear information that suggests several activities women should avoid while menstruating, one of which is prohibition to drink cold water, it is said that cold drinks andfood can make blood clot in the uterus and gradually turn into cysts. Myth/Fact?It is a Myth! In fact, women's menstrual cycle isinfluenced by the balance of estrogen and progesteronehormones . The balance of these two hormones is greatly influenced by physical and psychological health. Cold drinks do not affect hor...

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Early Pregnancy Risks

Mon, 30 Nov 2020

Pregnancy is a gift that every married woman eagerly awaits, but what about pregnancy at a young age? Generally, getting pregnant at an early age can be considered dangerous if you are under 20 years of age.WHO data reveal that around 16 million women aged 15-19 years give birth to children each year or 11% of all births globally. High number with high risks too.Even though you feel ready to get pregnant at the young age, it should be noted that getting pregnant at a young age hasa lot of r...

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Right Exercise for people with Bronchitis

Mon, 30 Nov 2020

Bronchitis is inflammation that occurs in the respiratory tract (bronchi) which can cause bronchitis symptoms, such as persistent cough or shortness of breath.With this condition, many people who suffer bronchitis avoid exercise because they are afraid of fatigue and are unable to catch their breath.Exercise has many benefits for overall health and lung in particular because it allows muscles to be more efficient and use less oxygen. Thus, it can help reduce some of the symptoms of bronchitis.If...

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