Healthy Inspirations


Mon, 5 Oct 2020

Coronary heart disease (CHD) can be prevented by adopting a healthy lifestyle, not smoking, exercising for 30 minutes every day, having a balanced diet, avoiding stress. If these precautions are taken, it can help maintain the health and elasticity of blood vessels and allow smooth blood flow.To control the risk factors of coronary heart disease, conductregular health controls by conducting routine checks such as measuring blood pressure, controlling cholesterol and blood sugar levels.Biomarker...

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Coronary Heart Disease

Mon, 5 Oct 2020

Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) is a cardiovascular disease, currently CHD is the number one cause of death to date,In 2013, it was reported that more than 2 million people had coronary heart disease in Indonesia.Coronary Heart Disease, occurs due to disorders of the coronary blood vessels that are narrowed or blocked by atherosclerotic plaque deposits (cholesterol pulp), so that the transport process of energy materials will be disrupted and as a result, heart cells weaken and can even die. This&n...

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Healthy gut is the Beginning of a Healthy Body

Mon, 5 Oct 2020

Have you ever heard the slogan "Healthy gut healthy you"? It turns out that this slogan is true. What we consume has a big effect on the condition of our bodies.About 70 percent of our entire immune system is located in our gut, which means that there is constant communication between our gut and our immune system.The intestine is one of the digestive organs that has various functions, namely absorbing water and nutrients from the food we consume. The human intestine consists of the small intest...

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Sesame seeds, the tiny seed with many benefits

Mon, 21 Sep 2020

Although the sesame that we often find in various foods is only considered a food decoration,but actually these tiny seeds that come from the sesame plant are rich in benefits.1. Maintain blood pressureMagnesium in sesame seeds can also reduce high blood pressure.2. Prevent cancerSesame seeds is believed to prevent leukemia, breast, lung, pancreas, colon and prostate cancers, due to the vitamin, mineral, phytate content and strong anti-carcinogenic effects of magnesium in sesame seeds....

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Mon, 21 Sep 2020

Menikah muda saat ini memang masih menjadi pembahasan yang cukup sering diperbincangkan di kalangan masyarakat.Karena di dalam Undang-undang No 1 tahun 1974 tentang Perkawinan Bab 2 pasal 7 ayat 1 berbunyi “Perkawinan hanya diijinkan jika pihak pria sudah mencapai umur 19 tahun (sembilan belas) tahun dan pihak wanita sudah mencapai umur 16 (enam belas) tahun”.Dalam kesehatan pernikahan yang sehat memenuhi kriteria umur calon pasangan suami istri adalah memenuhi umur reproduksi sehat...

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Mon, 21 Sep 2020

Leukemia dikenal dengan kanker darah merupakan salah satu klasifikasi dari penyakit kanker pada darah atau sumsum tulang,yang ditandai dengan pertumbuhan secara abnormal atau transformasi maligna dari pada leukosit atau sel darah putih. Sel normal dalam sumsum tulang digantikan oleh sel abnormal dan sel ini dapat ditemukan di darah perifer atau darah tepi. Melakukan pemeriksaan kesehatan secara rutin merupakan langkah penting untuk mendeteksi kanker sejak dini, terutama jika memiliki riwayat kan...

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