Healthy Inspirations

Tips for Vacation at Home with Children

Wed, 6 Jan 2021

In this pandemic era, many people try to stay at home and avoid traveling, but during holidays like this it seems impossible to just stay at home.but don't let your children down, change your vacation in a way that is fun and doesn't interfere with your activities. You don't need to go outside to take your child on vacation. You can vacation with your children at home. Well, to help you with ways to vacation with children at home.1. GardeningFor children, being introduced to new things makes the...

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Myth / Fact: Classical Music Makes Your Brain Smarter?

Wed, 6 Jan 2021

Before the exam, people prepare various measures to be prepared to face the exam. There are those who study so hard t or are just busy making cheat in various forms.and also there are those who choose to listen to classical music all night long because they say it can make us smarter. But, is it true that classical music can make our brains smarter instantly? Unfortunately, this assumption is not true. Because, listening to classical music makes smart was a popular myth in the wor...

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Pregnancy Tips in the Covid-19 Pandemic Era

Wed, 6 Jan 2021

At a time when the Covid-19 virus became a pandemic around the world, of course it made us worry in almost all fields. This is caused by the Covid-19 virus which is very contagiousand can cause death. Many women who are pregnant and especially those who have entered final stage before delivery also feel anxious and afraid to go to the womb check or give birth. Especially when approaching the day of delivery.Here are 5 tips for safe and comfortable pregnancy until giving birth in the new nor...

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Travelling Tips at New Normal Era

Wed, 6 Jan 2021

The transition to the new normal has begun to be implemented in several parts of Indonesia. Several tourist attractions are already opening. Who can hardly wait to get on vacation or traveling?So, for those of you who can't wait to go on vacation, here are some tips that need to be considered if you want to vacation in the new normal era.1. Determine your DestinationsAs long as the case of the Corona Covid-19 Virus has not shown a significant decrease, you should choose a vacation area or touris...

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Examination for ANEMIA SCREENING

Wed, 6 Jan 2021

Anemia is a condition when the number of red blood cells or the amount of hemoglobin (oxygen-carrying protein) in red blood cells is below normal.Often anemia caused by excessive bleeding, excessive hemolysis of red blood cells or deficient red cell formation (ineffective hematopoiesis).Supporting ExaminationIf you begin to experience signs and symptoms of anemia, you can immediately come to the nearest doctor or health facility for a series of checks, such as medical history and labor...

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Wed, 6 Jan 2021

Red blood deficiency or anemia is a condition when the body lacks healthy red blood cells or when the red blood cells don't function properly.Causes of AnemiaInsufficient production of red blood cells, excessive blood loss, too rapid destruction of red blood cells.The following are the types of anemia based on the cause:- Anemia due to iron (Fe) deficiency- Anemia during pregnancy- Anemia due to bleeding- aplastic anemia- Hemolytic anemia- Anemia due to chronic disease- Sickle cell anemia a...

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