Healthy Inspirations

Often Use Contact Lenses? Beware of the bad effects

Mon, 30 May 2022

Hey, #sahabatpramita, surely someone is wearing contact lenses, isn't it? Softlens or contact lenses are usually used by people with nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism to improve visual acuity. However, you need to know that using contact lenses has a time limit too, you know, it can't be used for a full 24 hours, especially if it goes for days without taking it off it can be dangerous for the eyes too. Wearing contact lenses for too long and wearing them while sleeping sig...

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iftar Fast One Fruit Coconut Lots Benefits you know !

Tue, 10 May 2022

In addition to water, drinking fresh coconut water can help maintain a healthy body. Coconut water is indeed suitable as a refreshing drink to break the fast. This is because it is known to improve the health of #sahabatpramita both mentally and physically. Anti Dehydration Rich in Nutrients and Minerals Body Fresher  Prevent Disease ward off Radical Free

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Let's Open Fast With Fruit Dates ! Variety Benefit you know !

Tue, 10 May 2022

Dates are usually synonymous with the month of fasting or Ramadan . Dates of course have many benefit for health . one reason benefit fruit dates good for health is because there is content of vitamins, substances iron , up to Calcium needed body moment operate fast Ramadan . Reduces Thirst _ and Hungry Fast return Energy Guard Digestion As Source Energy Reserve Prepare Digestion Moment iftar

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Want To Keep Your Teeth Intact Until Old, Get Rid Of This Habit!

Mon, 28 Mar 2022

Do you like to chew ice cubes? Biting nails? Or opening packaging with teeth? Well, from now on get rid of this bad habit. Why? Because it can damage your teeth. This habit can make teeth cracked, yellowed, cavities, and even toothless. Biting nails Brushing teeth too hard Grinding teeth Smoking and Alcohol Open or bite something with teeth Chewing ice cubes Consumption of sweet food

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Pineapple, Scaly Fruits with Lot Benefits

Tue, 22 Mar 2022

Pineapple has many health benefits. Not only its fresh and delicious taste, it turns out that pineapple contains a large amount of vitamin C, which helps our body to stay healthy. In addition to Vitamin C, pineapple contains various other nutrients, such as  vitamin B, choline, selenium, zinc, antioxidants, and bromelain. Well, here are the benefits of pineapple for us. Boost Immunity Overcoming Distractions Digestion Reduces Inflammation Can Improve Heart Health Contains diseas...

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Perbandingan Nutrisi Daging Kambing vs Daging Sapi

Mon, 21 Mar 2022

Apakah #sahabatpramita pecinta daging merah? Daging merah adalah salah satu santapan yang paling digemari oleh para non-vegetarian termasuk daging kambing dan daging sapi. Ternyata nilai gizi daging merah bervariasi. Ada perbedaan kandungan nilai nutrisi antara daging kambing dan daging sapi yang menarik untuk diketahui. Daging Sapi: Kalori di daging sapi hanya mencapai 217 kalori saja lho #sahabatpramita. Kandungan protein daging sapi lebih kecil daripada daging kambing dan lebih tinggi lema...

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