Healthy Inspirations
HPV DNA examination for early detection of cervical cancer
Wed, 2 Mar 2022To detect cancer, it is not an easy matter, especially at the initial stage that rarely shows any symptoms. Therefore you feel something unusual, don't be taken lightly, pap smear is not enough!Pap smear is proven to reduce mortality from cervical cancer through a routine screening program. However, Pap smear is not enough.Examination with a higher level of sensitivity for cervical cancer screening, namely the examination of HPV DNA.HPV DNA examination is required for:1. Knowing or absence...
Read MoreExamination of detection and identification of omicron variants
Tue, 8 Feb 2022To detect Covid-19 causing viruses, an inspection is required called Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and Rapid Test Antigen and Antibodies. Both types of checks aim to determine whether someone is infected with the SARS COV-2 virus or not. PCR tests that are still widely used can detect infection, including omicron infections, as observed in other variants. For the Rapid test antigen and antibodies are still in the research stage in its ability to detect omicron variants.Detection and identifica...
Read MorePre Covid-19 Vaccination Examination
Thu, 20 Jan 2022Prior to vaccination, it is suggested we had a medical examination date. With the latest medical check-up, we can know what state of health before vaccination. According to the recommendation PAPDI (Association of Specialist Doctors) in patients with certain chronic diseases, there are conditions do not deserve to be given the vaccine COVID-19 such as:• Allergic reactions such as anaphylaxis and severe allergic reactions as a result of vaccine doses COVID-19 first or the result of the same...
Read MorePLWHA Examination Panel
Thu, 2 Dec 2021In addition to the results of the physical examination and subjective complaints experienced by PLWHA, laboratory examinations play a role in the care and treatment of PLWHA. All of this is needed in order to make an appropriate HIV/AIDS management plan, so that the virus can be controlled, health status will be better and reduce the possibility of transmitting the virus to other people.To monitor the health status of PLWHA and the success of HIV treatment, several laboratory tests are routinely...
Thu, 21 Oct 2021Untuk menegakkan diagnosis penyakit Osteoporosis diperlukan pemeriksaan seperti anamnesis, pemeriksaan fisik, pemeriksaan laboratorium dan pemeriksaan non laboratorium lainnya. PANEL PEMERIKSAAN LABORATORIUM Pemeriksaan Beta – Crosslaps - Beta - CrossLaps dapat digunakan sebagai marker resorpsi tulang yang sensitif mencapai > 70% dan spesifisitas 80% dan penting untuk monitoring pasien dengan pengobatan yang menghambat resorpsi tulang seperti pada penggunaan biphosp...
Thu, 14 Oct 2021Setiap wanita terlahir memiliki jutaan sel telur dalam ovariumnya, namun jumlah sel telur tersebut akan berkurang seiring dengan bertambahnya usia. Anti Mullerian Hormone (AMH) adalah hormon yang dilepaskan oleh sel-sel folikel (kantung sel telur) dalam indung telur (ovarium). AMH berperan sebagai “pengatur jadwal” folikel untuk mematangkan diri sehingga tidak semua sel telur diproduksi pada saat yang bersamaan. Pemeriksaan kadar AMH merupakan salah satu tes kesubura...
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