Healthy Inspirations


Thu, 3 Mar 2022
Among the many types of cancer, there are cancers that often attack children, including Leukemia (blood cancer), Retinoblastoma (eye cancer), Osteosarcoma (bone cancer).
Leukemia itself is a malignancy of blood cells originating from the bone marrow. Symptoms that appear in the form of pale, lethargic, cranky, decreased appetite, fever for no reason. Investigations to diagnose leukemia are complete blood count with leukocyte count, peripheral blood morphology (MDT), and bone marrow aspiration.
Parents also need to be aware of the "cat's eye" phenomenon in children. Retinoblastoma is an eye cancer that often occurs in children. Symptoms that appear in the form of leukocoria (cat's eye), squint, red eyes and pain, blurred vision. Examination to detect and diagnose retinoblastoma is by ultrasound B-scan, CT-scan, and MRI.
Osteosarcoma is a malignant tumor of the bone. Symptoms include pain without cause that persists and gets progressively worse. Bones become brittle and break easily with just a light-moderate impact. Over time if the tumor grows, it will be palpable lump. Investigations that can be done are X-rays, CT scans, MRIs, and tumor biopsies.
Author : Wirawati Nirwani (Consulting Doctor of Pramita Lab, Cimahi Jl. Amir Mahmud No. 460 Cimahi)
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