Healthy Inspirations


Thu, 9 Jun 2022
Broadly speaking, the diagnosis of asthma includes a medical history, physical examination and lung tests.
The doctor will take a history or interview with the patient to find out the patient's medical history such as the complaints the patient has and the symptoms that arise. The doctor will also ask questions such as the symptoms you are experiencing, when the complaint occurred, whether there was anything that caused the complaint, whether you were exposed to cigarette smoke, chemical gases, dust or other things, and other questions.
Then the doctor will perform a physical examination which includes:
• Examine the nose, throat and upper respiratory tract
• Using a stethoscope to listen for breath sounds such as wheezing (a high-pitched sound when exhaling), which is one of the main signs of asthma
• Examine the skin for allergic conditions such as eczema and itchy redness.
The doctor will then perform an examination:
1. Spirometry:
This test is a very important test in diagnosing asthma. This test shows the function of the lungs, where you will be asked to breathe through a tube connected to a spirometer.
2. Challenge test:
If the results of the spirometry test are normal or close to normal values, the doctor may perform a test using a certain substance (Methacholine) that will be inhaled by the patient or perform physical activities that may cause asthma to occur. After that the spirometry test will be carried out again for evaluation.
For children under 5 years, doctors diagnose asthma by history taking and finding wheezing on physical examination. Then the doctor will give bronchodilator drugs to open the airways.
3. Investigations to rule out other causes such as:
• Chest X-ray or Thorax CT scan
• Sinus photo or sinus CT scan
• Blood tests such as complete blood count, total IgE or specific IgE examination to determine allergic factors that cause asthma in patients
• Gastroesophageal examination and assessment (in GERD)
• Examination of sputum from the lungs for bacterial or viral infection.
Author : dr. Febriadi Marhaendra (Medical Consultant Doctor of PRAMITA Clinical Laboratory Jl. HR. Muhammad No. 128 KAV. 354 Surabaya)
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