Healthy Inspirations


Wed, 5 Jul 2023

Pemeriksaan kehamilan atau prenatal test adalah serangkaian pemeriksaan yang dilakukan pada ibu dan janin dalam kandungan diawal kehamilan. Hal ini bertujuan untuk mendeteksi adanya berbagai macam permasalahan kehamilan  sehingga bisa dilakukan penanganan sedini mungkin  agar tidak membahayakan kesehatan ibu dan janin. ▪    Pemeriksaan yang umum dilakukan  pada trimester I kehamilan, meliputi :  1. Anamnesis riwayat kesehatan     Anamnesis adalah beberapa pertanyaan sebagai  prosedur awal...

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Infertility Examination Panel

Wed, 21 Jun 2023

The series of infertility examinations is aimed at determining the cause or the absence of pregnancy in a husband and wife who have been actively trying to conceive for 1 year without the use of contraception. The purpose is to detect any abnormalities in either the husband or wife, in order to provide appropriate treatment. The available infertility examination panel includes: Health History Anamnesis This examination aims to gather information about the previous health problems e...

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Diagnostic Tests for Prostate Disease

Wed, 14 Jun 2023

1. Physical Examination by a Doctor, including: Digital Rectal Examination (DRE): This important examination is conducted in patients with BPH. It helps estimate prostate enlargement, consistency, and the presence of nodules, which can be a sign of prostate cancer. Measuring prostate volume through DRE tends to underestimate the actual size. During the digital rectal examination, it is also necessary to assess the tone of the anal sphincter and bulbocavernosus reflex, which can indicate abnor...

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Wed, 7 Jun 2023

The progression of cancer takes time, which is why cervical cancer can be prevented by early detection through cervical cancer screenings such as Pap smears and HPV DNA tests. Pap smear is a procedure to detect cervical cancer in women. It can also identify abnormal cells (precancerous cells) in the cervix that may develop into cancer. There are 13 types of high-risk HPV that can be detected through HPV DNA testing. HPV DNA testing is performed together with Pap smear as the primary screen...

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Vertigo Examination

Wed, 24 May 2023

Before a Vertigo diagnosis can be made, we must first find out the type of vertigo. There are 2 major groups, namely Central Vertigo and Vestibular Vertigo. Central vertigo is a type of vertigo caused by disturbances in the central nervous system, especially in the brainstem and cerebellum which are responsible for balance and body position. While the disorder in Vestibular Vertigo lies in the inner ear. The checks we can perform include: Neurological Examination With a neurolog...

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Screening Test for Lupus Diagnosis

Wed, 10 May 2023

Diagnosing autoimmune diseases, including Lupus, cannot be done with a single test. Doctors may use a combination of various tests, both general and specific, based on the patient's medical history, symptoms, and previous physical examinations. The selection of tests also varies according to each patient's health history. General laboratory tests such as complete blood count, complete urine analysis, X-ray, ECG, and C-reactive protein (CRP) may be performed to determine any inflammation in...

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