Healthy Inspirations

After Eating Junk foods, Drink these!

Mon, 5 Oct 2020

Junk food is widely known as a delicious, simple and addicting foodsyet its not healthy. The reason is vary,junk food contains a lot of fat, sugar, salt, and is low in fiber and nutrients.There are several bad effects caused by consuming too much junk food. Among others: high blood pressure, indigestion, respiratory problems, cholesterol, brain problems, diabetes mellitus, and obesity. To minimize this risk, here are drinks that need to be consumed after eating junk food:WaterWater able to disso...

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Playing War Games Causing Heart Disorders?

Mon, 5 Oct 2020

Researchers have long known that high-intensity exercise can lead to serious heart rhythm disorders. But today, it is not necessarily high intensity exercisethat causing this problem. Playing games, especially war genre games, can also trigger heart rhythm disorders. One ask, How come?In particular, the war-genre games have an aftereffect on heart. As with high intensity excercise, someone who plays fighting games too often, its heart beat can become too fast (tachycardia), too slow (bradycardia...

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HsCRP Test

Mon, 5 Oct 2020

HsCRP (High Sensivity C-Reactive Protein) is a test to identify the presence of inflammation or monitor acute phase proteins that inhibit the blood.If systemic inflammation occurs. In recent years, based on epidemiological and clinical studies, CRP (C-Reactive Protein) has received a new role as a marker of inflammation in cardiovascular disease or as a risk parameter for cardiovascular disease.For this role, the measurement of CRP levels needs to use a sensitive method, namely high sensitivity...

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Mon, 5 Oct 2020

Various problems that occur in blood vessels are caused by unhealthy diet and lifestyle. The circulatory system consists of organs, blood, and blood vessels network.The organs and blood vessels are responsible for circulating blood that contains, nutrients, oxygen, hormones and other gases to the cells.Currently obesity is the most common metabolic disease along with lifestyle changes. Obesity ranks first worldwide. Data from the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that more than 1 billion...

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Sitting Too Long Is Dangerous!

Mon, 5 Oct 2020

The work that require sitting too long as well as wrong diet and lack of exercise maypose the risk of various diseases. Listen to the dangers of sitting too long.1. Sitting too long causes muscles to burn less fat, slows down blood circulation, and makes it easier for fatty acids to block blood flow to the heart. This may increase the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, raise cholesterol, and other problems. In addition, pancreas can also produce insulin in excess amounts, which may caus...

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Myth / Fact: Can You Get Myopia from Borrowing Glasses?

Mon, 5 Oct 2020

There is a myth circulating in the community about eye health, namely that myopia can be transmitted if we borrow other people's glasses.Is it true?In fact, that's simply not true. Myopia is non contagious. Even if you borrow thick or minus thick cylinder glasses. With a note, you don't borrow it for a long time, for example 1 month.But yet, there is other danger hiding. When normal eyes uses minus glasses, what happens is that eye muscles adjust to vision to stay sharp. Well, if you have t...

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