Healthy Inspirations

Drink This Can Lower High Blood!

Tue, 7 Jun 2022

consume drink reducer blood tall this can tried by #sahabatpramita to keep the pressure blood permanent stable you know. Especially For #sahabatpramita who have hypertension, it is highly recommended for drink this. Drink reducer blood high rich nutrition, such as fiber, magnesium, calcium, potassium, and various compound phytochemicals, such as flavonoids and polyphenols. On the other hand, drinks reducer blood tall usually low will salt and saturated fat content. However though so drink flu...

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GERD Disease Can Affect To Lungs

Tue, 7 Jun 2022

In Gastro -Eesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), it turns out that Thing that can, can just occur you know. How come can? because of acid stomach that rises to lungs can occurs in someone who has GERD can cause somebody Becomes shortness of breath. Because, conditions the make channel respiration Becomes squeezed and cramped. Characteristic features sour stomach rises to Lungs caused by GERD: Sensation burning in the chest, generally after eat and at night day chest pain Difficult swallo...

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Good Fruits for Child Growth

Mon, 30 May 2022

  During their growth period, children need to consume fruits. The reason is very clear , these healthy foods provide many nutrients that are beneficial for the growth and development of children. Well, fruits are known as super foods that provide various kinds of intake of vitamins and minerals that are important for children's growth, ranging from vitamins A, B, C, E, calcium, iron, zinc to folic acid. Here are the fruits that help for child growth, #sahabatpramita. Avocado Avocad...

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Myth/Fact: Pregnant Belly Shape Can Indicate the Gender of the Fetus?

Mon, 30 May 2022

This assumption about the shape of the belly of a pregnant woman with the gender of the baby is just a myth, #sahabatpramita. This myth further states that boys tend to be more independent so that their position is lower in the womb. Meanwhile, girls need more protection, so their position is higher. In fact, there are many factors why pregnant women's stomach becomes lower or higher. Mothers who are pregnant for the first time tend to have stronger abdominal muscles so they can support the...

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Mother Has Difficulty Defeating During Pregnancy? Know the Cause

Mon, 30 May 2022

Difficulty defecating during pregnancy is one of the most common complaints experienced by pregnant women. This condition usually appears in the second trimester of pregnancy. Although generally harmless, it is important for pregnant women to know the cause of difficult bowel movements so that appropriate treatment can be carried out. The thing that causes difficult bowel movements during pregnancy and one of them is the increase in the hormone progesterone which affects muscle relaxation, th...

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Bitter Mouth When Sick? Let's Overcome With This

Mon, 30 May 2022

When #sahabatpramita's body is sick, the mouth will also feel sore? His stinging mouth must have made #sahabatpramita not in the mood to eat too. It is normal to have a bitter taste in your mouth when you are sick. This condition is related to the immune system. When exposed to a bacterial infection or inflammation appears, the body will release a protein cytokine from the immune system called tumor necrosis factor (TNF). Cytokines or proteins that help immune cells help the body fight diseas...

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