Healthy Inspirations

Alert !, a new variant of the Corona Virus

Wed, 13 Jan 2021

Currently, the world is being shocked by the new variant of the Covid-19 corona virus that was found in the UK, this new variant of corona named B117 is more contagious than the previous one.This new variant spread 71% faster than before.There are at least 5 other symptoms that have been linked to the new variant of corona.

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Stop Underestimate Fever

Wed, 6 Jan 2021

Fever is the body's defense mechanism against infection, the occurrence of fever shows a symptom of a disease.As we know, every year in Indonesia is identicalwith the rainy season. The rainy season triggers various kinds of annual diseases, including: Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF). Dengue Fever is an endemic disease in Indonesia and cases of dengue fever can be found throughout the year. The World Health Organization (WHO) has also recorded a more than 15-fold increase in cases over the past tw...

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Air Pollution and Autism

Wed, 6 Jan 2021

A study from Monash University, Australia recently revealed that children who are frequently exposed to air pollution may be at higher risk of growing up with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). ASD is the name for various conditions, including Asperger's syndrome, which affects a person's social interactions, communication, interests and behavior, a threat especially faced by new born babies born to three years old.Air pollution is believed to be linked to autism, including pollution caused by...

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Myth or Fact, Leucorrhoea is a sign of cervical cancer?

Wed, 6 Jan 2021

Leucorrhoea is a natural process that occurs to clean the female sex organs. Excess leucorrhoea is caused by fungi, bacteria, parasites, which are lodged in the vagina.When Leucorrhoea happened, there is usually a clear discharge from the vagina. In addition, vaginal discharge also functions as a lubricant so that it prevents vaginal irritation or infection.Although considered a common thing, vaginal discharge can also be dangerous if too much or too much fluid is released. There is al...

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Wed, 6 Jan 2021

Maintaining reproductive health is important for women, because this reproductive organ has a big role in sexual relations, egg production and development, menstruation, pregnancy, andchildbirth.Laboratory tests for the health of female reproductive organs:A. Cervical Cancer:Recommended examinations include:▪︎ Papsmear:The examination is done by collecting a sample of cells from the cervix to see if there is onewhether or not abnormalities that can lead to cervical cancer.▪︎ HPV DNA:examination...

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Wed, 6 Jan 2021

THE IMPORTANCE OF KNOWING WOMEN'S REPRODUCTIVE HEALTHSince long time ago, health problems have become an important issue and not all complaints experienced by men and women are always the same. In fact, sometimes there are several diseases with the same symptoms, but the treatment process and the side effects it causes for women can be different.Following are women's health problems that often occur:1. Breast CancerThere are about 1.67 million cases of cancer that occur in the world, of which 88...

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