Healthy Inspirations

HsCRP Test

Mon, 5 Oct 2020
HsCRP (High Sensivity C-Reactive Protein) is a test to identify the presence of inflammation or monitor acute phase proteins that inhibit the blood.

If systemic inflammation occurs. In recent years, based on epidemiological and clinical studies, CRP (C-Reactive Protein) has received a new role as a marker of inflammation in cardiovascular disease or as a risk parameter for cardiovascular disease.

For this role, the measurement of CRP levels needs to use a sensitive method, namely high sensitivity CRP (hs-CRP) because it measures low CRP levels.
Various studies mention hs-CRP as the parameter with the highest relative risk compared to other parameters. The role of hs-CRP in assessing the risk of heart and blood vessel disease is related to the process of heart and blood vessel disease, namely when there is an increase in hs-CRP levels in chronic infection, inflammation and ateroskerosis.

Several biomarker panels to determine tcardiovascular disease risks including:
- Lipid profile (total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, Triglycerides)
- Hs CRP
- Apo B
- Homocysteine
- Lipo protein @
- Fibrinogen.

The sample used for laboratory tests is blood from veins and requires fasting for its preparation.

For further information, please contact the nearest PRAMITA clinical laboratory in your city.

Author: Dr. Anita Febriana Sari, Sp.PK (PIC of PRAMITA Clinic Lab Jl. Gajah Mada No. 88 Tegal)
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