Healthy Inspirations
Thu, 8 Dec 2022Based on AEM modeling data, in 2021 it is estimated that there will be around 526,841 people living with HIV with an estimated 27 thousand new cases. Where, about 40% of the new infection cases occur in women.The reasons range from the COVID-19 pandemic, low retention of ARV treatment, inequalities in HIV services and the perceived stigma and discrimination that stems from a lack of public knowledge about HIV-AIDS.Director of Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases (P2PM) of the Ministry o...
Read MoreTeach Tooth Brushing In Children From an Early Age
Thu, 8 Dec 2022Cleaning the surface of the teeth (toothbrush) is an attempt to remove food residue that is easily fermented which will result in a decrease in the number of bacteria in the oral cavity due to the loss of energy needed by the bacteria to produce acid products that destroy teeth. Toothbrushing should be part of the child's learning process, as children are accustomed to bathing, dressing cleanly and washing hands before eating. This is what causes the need for parents to teach cleaning the oral...
Read MoreMyths/Facts: Is it true, if consumption of salak fruit can cause difficult bowel movements?
Thu, 8 Dec 2022In fact, the triggering factor for difficulty defecating is caused by several factors, you know, namely not drinking enough water and not consuming enough fiber, such as fruits. Salak itself contains fiber which is good for digestion, you know. Salak epidermis which is rich in fiber can prevent constipation. Therefore, when you want to eat zalacca, you should also eat the epidermis. So, don't be afraid to eat snake fruit because you can't defecate, okay #sahabatpramita!
Read MoreIs it dangerous to spray water when cleaning the vagina?
Thu, 8 Dec 2022To clean the vagina after urinating, you don't need to spray water into the vaginal canal. Suffice it to clean on the outside only. In addition, also limit cleaning the vagina using vaginal soap or using pantyliners if it is not really needed. After rinsing, try to dry the vagina immediately to minimize high humidity in the vagina.Spraying water into the vaginal canal, especially with a hard stream, can be at risk of causing the following:- Irritation of intimate organs due to the flow of hard...
Read MoreIsotonic Drinks, Is it Safe to Drink Every Day?
Thu, 8 Dec 2022Isotonic drinks are drinks intended for athletes, to quickly replace fluids, electrolytes, and sugar in athletes. This type of drink can be quickly absorbed by the body because it has the same concentration and osmotic pressure as the fluids in the body. Isotonic drinks are actually only suitable for consumption by people who do regular exercise for at least 90 minutes a day. If you do not do strenuous exercise and are not severely dehydrated, it is advisable not to consume isotonic drinks of...
Read MoreWhat did you want? How forgot....
Thu, 8 Dec 2022"Oh yeah, what was I going to do?" Have you ever had #sahabatpramita experience this condition? Suddenly forgetting this is a symptom of brain fog or brain fog. This is usually triggered due to mental fatigue, you know. Brain Fog is a symptom that affects the ability to think so #sahabatpramita feel confused, difficult to focus, confused, can't remember anything, or even forget what to do. Brain Fog is caused by...- stress- Lack of sleep- Hormonal changes- Nutritional deficiencies- Consump...
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