Healthy Inspirations
Benefits of Drinking Milk for Adults
Fri, 18 Nov 2022Not only children, you know, it turns out that adults can really consume milk and there are many benefits too, you know.Many people think that drinking milk is only for children. Eits, adults also need milk intake, you know.Milk contains various nutrients such as calcium, protein, iron, B vitamins and vitamin D. These nutrients are needed to maintain the body's movement system.susu mengandung berbagai nutrisi seperti kalsium, protein, zat besi, vitamin B dan vitamin D. Kandungan nutrisi tersebut...
Fri, 18 Nov 2022Diabetes Mellitus, also known as diabetes or diabetes, is a chronic or long-term disease. This disease is characterized by an increase in blood sugar (glucose) levels above normal values. Diabetes occurs when the body has trouble taking sugar (glucose) from the blood into the cells and using it as energy. This condition ultimately results in a buildup of sugar levels in the bloodstream.Diabetes Mellitus if not properly controlled can cause serious problems and complications, as well as cause dam...
Wed, 16 Nov 2022Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic or long-term disease that has serious complications and can cause death. Organs that can cause problems due to uncontrolled Diabetes Mellitus include: heart, kidneys, eyes and nerves. Based on RISKESDAS 2018, Diabetes Mellitus affects 20.4 million people in Indonesia.Prevention of Diabetes Mellitus is an effort aimed at groups who have not yet suffered, but have the potential to suffer from Diabetes Mellitus.Prevention efforts are mainly done through lifestyle chan...
Read MoreRecognize the Signs of Type 1 Diabetes in Children
Wed, 16 Nov 2022Sometimes children who have diabetes don't show symptoms, but if a child shows the symptoms above, please consult a doctor immediately. easily hungry and thirsty weight loss Frequent urination the emergence of wounds that are difficult to heal the child looks tired and lethargic blurred vision
Read MoreDoing Medical Check Up During Menstruation, Is It Safe?
Mon, 14 Nov 2022For medical check-ups, it is allowed to be carried out during menstruation, although there are examinations where the collection of materials needs to be postponed until the end of menstruation, namely a urine test. Urine examination requires urine samples in women who are clean from the menstrual period to get accurate results. One example is if the urine examination is carried out during menstruation, the clinician will find it difficult to distinguish whether the blood found in the urin...
Read MoreDanger! Too Often Use Earphones.
Mon, 14 Nov 2022Eits, it turns out that using earphones too often can be bad for health, you know. #sahabatpramita, don't forget not to use earphones often and occasionally take off your earphones so that your hearing stays healthy. 1. There is a risk of hearing loss2. ear infections and pain3. cause tinnitus4. may cause an accident5. Feel Deaf for a moment Those are some of the negative impacts that can occur as a result of using a headset that is too long. Starting from the risk of hearing loss, to p...
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