Healthy Inspirations

Menstruation Not Smooth? Osteoporosis Alert

Wed, 19 Oct 2022

Osteoporosis can also occur in adolescents. This can be known from the regularity of menstruation or because of cysts or has been operated on.Estrogen is an important element in determining bone mass, so when a teenager gets his period it is very important. Girls who experience menache or first menstruation at the age of 15 years have a much greater risk of suffering from osteoporosis.However, it should also be wary of the occasional irregular but long-term period showing low estrogen levels, wh...

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Menopause and Osteoporosis, How to Prevent It?

Wed, 19 Oct 2022

Menopause and osteoporosis are two things that are related to each other. Because, menopause is one of the main reasons why women are more at risk of developing osteoporosis than men.1. SportsExercise can make bones and muscles stronger, and prevent bone loss.2. Consume food for bonesConsumption of foods that are high in calcium and vitamin D. For those who have menopause, calcium needs to be 1,200 milligrams (mg) per day.3. Regularly check bone healthWhen you have entered menopause, you should...

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Untidy Teeth Can Cause Cavities!

Wed, 19 Oct 2022

Untidy teeth can increase the risk of cavities. This can happen because food debris and plaque become difficult to clean. This has the potential to cause a buildup of dirt, increasing the risk of cavities. When the tooth structure is neater, the process of cleaning teeth becomes easier and more effective. This is because the toothbrush is more able to reach between the teeth so that the cleaning process becomes more thorough. In some cases, uneven teeth make the chewing process not optimal. Fo...

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What Causes Us Sudden Hiccups

Fri, 14 Oct 2022

Hiccups occur because the vocal cords close suddenly due to contraction of the diaphragm and cause the amount of oxygen in the blood to drop drastically. It's not a serious thing, but it can be very disruptive to activities. #sahabatpramita must have experienced hiccups and don't know the cause. Here are 6 things that can cause hiccups. Fizzy drinks Lack of body fluids Eating too much Alcoholic drinks Spicy food

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Fri, 14 Oct 2022

To confirm the diagnosis of eye disorders in diabetic patients, the following examinations can be performed:• Examination of anamnesis / history of disease• Physical examination• Laboratory & non-laboratory examinations.A. HISTORICAL AND PHYSICAL EXAMINATIONEye examinations performed on patients with Diabetes Mellitus need to be done comprehensively. The examination includes anamnesis or previous patient history and physical examination such as vision, intraocular pressure, fi...

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The Importance of Maintaining Eye Health in Diabetics

Fri, 14 Oct 2022

High blood sugar levels can increase the possibility of adverse effects on blood vessel health. In addition, diabetes can also interfere with the work of the nervous system and blood vessels in the eyes. For this reason, diabetic patients have a higher chance of developing various eye diseases compared to normal people.Patients with diabetes who experience disorders of the eye blood vessels are characterized by swelling, lack of oxygen intake and changes in the structure of the blood vessels. Th...

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