Healthy Inspirations

Parenting Trends in 2023

Mon, 10 Jul 2023

Five Worth Embracing Parenting Trends in 2023: Modern and Fun Parenting! Hello, cool parents in 2023! Every parent wants to give the best for their children. Well, here are five parenting trends worth embracing this year! 1. Positive Parenting: This parenting style is currently trending! Positive parenting emphasizes a gentler approach and building a harmonious relationship between parents and children. It's no longer about being authoritarian or authoritative, but more about empathy, unde...

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Is it Safe to Have Many Ultrasound Scans during Pregnancy? Here are the Facts!

Sun, 9 Jul 2023

Hi friends! Today, we're going to talk about having many ultrasound scans during pregnancy. Is it safe? What are the effects? Ultrasound scans are like a small window to see our baby inside the womb, cool right? Some pregnant women may have many ultrasound scans to check the baby's development and health. But it's important to know the effects. In many cases, regular ultrasound scans under a doctor's supervision are safe. Ultrasound scans usually don't emit high radiation that is dangero...

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Stop Cyberbullies, Let's Make Friends!

Fri, 7 Jul 2023

Hello, friends! Do you know what cyberbullying is? It's when someone hurts, insults, or bullies someone else online. Unfortunately, many people think cyberbullying is not a big deal, but it can seriously harm someone's mental and emotional health. It can lead to extreme stress, low self-esteem, and even depression. We see a lot of cyberbullying on social media and the internet, so we need to be aware of its dangers. We should all take responsibility to prevent cyberbullying and not become bul...

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Let's Go Camping!

Thu, 6 Jul 2023

Camping has numerous benefits, you know! 1. Getting close to nature: Imagine camping in the great outdoors, breathing in fresh air, and basking in the sunlight. It can bid farewell to stress and become an enjoyable healing experience. 2. Physical activities: Camping while hiking, swimming, or trekking is incredibly fun! It gets your adrenaline pumping and is a fantastic way to stay healthy. 3. Bye-bye stress! Camping is the perfect opportunity to break free from the routines th...

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Wed, 5 Jul 2023

Pemeriksaan kehamilan atau prenatal test adalah serangkaian pemeriksaan yang dilakukan pada ibu dan janin dalam kandungan diawal kehamilan. Hal ini bertujuan untuk mendeteksi adanya berbagai macam permasalahan kehamilan  sehingga bisa dilakukan penanganan sedini mungkin  agar tidak membahayakan kesehatan ibu dan janin. ▪    Pemeriksaan yang umum dilakukan  pada trimester I kehamilan, meliputi :  1. Anamnesis riwayat kesehatan     Anamnesis adalah beberapa pertanyaan sebagai  prosedur awal...

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Important Intake of the 1st Trimester of Pregnancy

Tue, 4 Jul 2023

Every pregnant woman definitely wants a healthy pregnancy, where the growth and development of the fetus occurs properly and perfectly. One important thing that can support it all is nutrition. Pregnant women are highly recommended to consume foods with balanced nutrition starting from the 1st trimester. Trimester 1 (first 3 months of pregnancy) is the moment that determines whether or not the fetus is healthy because it is during this time that the organs of the fetus begin to develop, such...

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