Healthy Inspirations

Why Not Check RET-He To Be Healthy?

Sat, 14 May 2022

RET-He is the fastest way to detect changes in iron status, by assessing the hemoglobin content of blood cells. So, RET-He can help, Thalassemia Screening to check the health of prospective children and early detection of Anemia to ensure health during pregnancy.

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2 Months To Get Married But Just Know If You Are Anemia?

Sat, 14 May 2022

Does #sahabatpramita or #sahabatpramita suffer or are at risk of anemia? Don't worry! By planning preventive measures, taking the right medical treatment, to adjusting your lifestyle, this condition can be corrected until it returns to health.Anemia can be caused by various health factors, but the most common is anemia caused by a lack of iron. RET-He or reticulocyte anemia is a test that measures the hemoglobin level in immature red blood cells.This test assesses the condition of red blood cell...

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Know What is Lupus Disease?

Sat, 14 May 2022

Lupus is a condition in which the body produces antibodies in excess. Under normal circumstances, antibodies function to protect the body from various foreign substances that can cause disease. People who have lupus (Odapus) have antibodies that attack their own body cells. Therefore, people with lupus are susceptible to infections and inflammatory diseases – due to healthy cells being attacked by antibodies. #sahabatpramita ever heard of lupus? If not, take a look at this. Lupus is a...

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Myth/Fact: Loneliness Can Trigger Type 2 Diabetes ?

Sat, 14 May 2022

In fact, loneliness can also increase the risk of type 2 diabetes, regardless of other risk factors that trigger it. Loneliness can occur when a person's social needs are not met. This kind of condition could be increasing because of technological sophistication that is increasingly replacing human relations. Recent research from Kings College London, England, also proves that loneliness can increase the risk of type 2 diabetes. The findings were also obtained by taking into account other fac...

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Recognize Mood Swing During Menstruation

Tue, 10 May 2022

Hey, #sahabatpramita, have you ever suddenly wanted to cry for no apparent reason when you were close to your menstrual schedule? This is called PMS mood swings. This condition can also make it difficult for women to concentrate, you know. The occurrence of PMS mood swings is related to the levels of the hormone estrogen in a woman's body. Where, the hormone will increase at the end of the menstrual period and reach its peak on 14 days before the next menstrual cycle. Well, approaching the ti...

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5 Habits that Trigger Obesity

Tue, 10 May 2022

Did you know? Obesity can arise due to bad habits that does every day. Obesity can interfere with metabolism and hormones in the body, you know, making a person more susceptible to disease. Studies show being overweight can increase the risk of a number of diseases such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes, to cancer too. Excessive Sugar Consumption The habit of immediately sleeping after eating Never Exercise Lack of sleep Sitting Too Long

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