Healthy Inspirations

Myth/Fact: Hypertension cannot be prevented due to heredity?

Tue, 22 Mar 2022

Hypertension may occur due to genetic or hereditary factors. This means a person may be more at risk of developing hypertension if he has parents or siblings who suffer from hypertension as well. In addition, hypertension is also more common in older people, obese people, or people who rarely exercise. However, it does not mean that hypertension cannot be managed properly. To keep blood pressure stable and reduce the risk of hypertension, You can start a healthy lifestyle by exercising regularl...

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Pineapple, Scaly Fruits with Lot Benefits

Tue, 22 Mar 2022

Pineapple has many health benefits. Not only its fresh and delicious taste, it turns out that pineapple contains a large amount of vitamin C, which helps our body to stay healthy. In addition to Vitamin C, pineapple contains various other nutrients, such as  vitamin B, choline, selenium, zinc, antioxidants, and bromelain. Well, here are the benefits of pineapple for us. Boost Immunity Overcoming Distractions Digestion Reduces Inflammation Can Improve Heart Health Contains diseas...

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Perbandingan Nutrisi Daging Kambing vs Daging Sapi

Mon, 21 Mar 2022

Apakah #sahabatpramita pecinta daging merah? Daging merah adalah salah satu santapan yang paling digemari oleh para non-vegetarian termasuk daging kambing dan daging sapi. Ternyata nilai gizi daging merah bervariasi. Ada perbedaan kandungan nilai nutrisi antara daging kambing dan daging sapi yang menarik untuk diketahui. Daging Sapi: Kalori di daging sapi hanya mencapai 217 kalori saja lho #sahabatpramita. Kandungan protein daging sapi lebih kecil daripada daging kambing dan lebih tinggi lema...

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Mon, 21 Mar 2022

Pemeriksaan ginjal secara rutin sangat penting dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mendeteksi sedini mungkin adanya masalah pada ginjal terutama yang memiliki faktor risiko, seperti : penyakit jantung, hipertensi, diabetes, atau riwayat keluarga dengan gagal ginjal. Dengan menjalani tes ini secara rutin dapat mengetahui kondisi ginjal sekaligus mendeteksi apabila ada masalah pada ginjal. Dengan ginjal yang sehat, risiko akan penyakit-penyakit tertentu yang berhubungan dengan organ ini dapat diminimali...

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Myth/Fact: People with Cardiovascular Shouldn't Work Out

Tue, 8 Mar 2022

Dasdo Antonius Sinaga, consultant interventional cardiologists at Awal Bros Hospital Bekasi, dismissed the theory that it was linked to exercise and a heart attack. He contends that this assumption is incorrect. Patients can start physical activity according to their doctor's recommendations.Cycling, either on stationary bikes or on streets, is another recommended sport for anyone who has suffered a heart attack. A study shows that people who exercise or move their bodies vigorously can prolong...

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Women are More Vulnerable to Vertigo?

Tue, 8 Mar 2022

Vertigo is a symptom of another underlying medical problem. Many different conditions that attack the head area give rise to the disorder.Interestingly, vertigo is a disorder that is more at risk for women. Therefore, it is important for every woman to know why women are more at risk for experiencing vertigo than men.Women are prone to vertigo because of problems with the inner ear, also known as peripheral vertigo. Other causes of vertigo occur due to problems in the brain or nervous system, or...

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