Healthy Inspirations

Pap Smears Test in Women, Is It Necessary?
Tue, 31 Oct 2023The PAPANIKOLAOU test or pap smear is a gynecological screening method, namely an examination of the cervix using a speculum and is carried out by a midwife or obstetrician. This examination is to determine the presence of HPV or carcinoma cells that cause cervical cancer.
Why is a pap smear an important examination for women who are sexually active?
Because, Pap smear is a screening method whose function is to screen. Pap smears are able to detect more than 90% of early stage cervical cancer which can still be cured, this is the reason why it is necessary to check Pap smears on women.
Cervical cancer in the early stages shows no symptoms, moreover precancerous lesions are completely asymptomatic.
There are several factors that can increase the risk of suffering from cervical cancer which are known as high risk factors, namely women who have had sexual relations at a young age (less than 21 years of age) or gave birth at a young age, have multiple sexual partners, have many children, women who smoke or become passive smokers.
Pap smear examinations should be carried out every 3 years, from the age of 21 years. In addition, at the age of 30 years and over, Pap smear examinations are usually combined with tests to detect HPV, the virus that causes cervical cancer.
Author: dr. Nunung Dartini Wahyuningtyas, M.Sc., Sp.PK(K)., FISQua (Responsible Person for PRAMITA Clinical Laboratory Jl. Osamaliki No. 90 Salatiga)