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Tue, 17 Nov 2020Many men neglect to keep their reproductive organs health, just because they feel still young. Even though reproductive organ is easily affected from lifestyle during
youth and until marriage, this organ is very important to be maintained.
Several measures can be done to maintain male reproductive organs health, including:
1. Stop smoking and consume alcoholic beverages.
2. Maintain body weight because poor nutritional level may affect sperm quality, thereby reducing male fertility.
3. Keep the testicles cool.
⊙ Several ways that can be done to reduce testicular temperature, as follows:
♧ Limit warm baths.
♧ If the job requires sitting still for long hours, take short breaks to get up and little walk .
♧ When working in an area with hot temperatures, take a few moments to be in a cool place.
♧ Wear comfortable and not too tight underwear.
4. Eat healthy foods.
5. Practice safe sex.
6. Exercise.
7. Perform circumcision.
8. Perform routine checks on the reproductive organs.
By doing the simple methods above, male reproductive health can be maintained, if you experience complaints you need to do further examination and consultation with a doctor.
Author: Dr. Syarifah Yasmin Hudrina (Medical Consulent Doctor of PRAMITA Clinical Lab Branch Jl. KH. Ahmad Dahlan No. 70 Palembang).