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Thu, 8 Dec 2022
In addition to the results of physical examinations and subjective complaints experienced by people infected with HIV or PLWHA, laboratory tests play a role in the care and treatment of PLWHA. All of this is necessary in order to make an appropriate management plan for handling HIV/AIDS, so that the virus can be controlled, health status will be better and reduce the possibility of transmitting the virus to other people.
To monitor the health status of PLWHA and the success of HIV treatment, several laboratory tests are routinely carried out, including:
• CD4 count: parameter to assess the risk of opportunistic infections and the functioning of the immune system.
• CD4 percentage : said to be more stable than CD4 count in one time period. However, the CD4 count better describes the work of the immune system than the CD4 percentage.
• HIV RNA : to assess response to HIV treatment
• Full Hematology : a frequently requested examination, as it can reveal the presence of infection, anemia and other medical problems.
• Drug Resistance Test : to determine the most suitable drug.
• Blood Chemistry Panel : to monitor side effects of drugs on organs of the body.
• Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) Screening: screening for syphilis, gonorrhea and chlamydia. The presence of an STD can increase the risk of transmitting HIV to others.
• PAP smear (Cervical and Anal): abnormal cell growth in the cervix (women) and anus (men and women) which often occurs in PLWHA can degenerate malignantly if not treated early.
• Hepatitis A, B and C tests: co-infection with hepatitis is not uncommon in PLHIV.
• Tuberculosis test: in PLHIV, untreated TB can be fatal. TB detection and treatment is important to prevent transmission of TB to others.
• Screening for Toxoplasmosis : Toxoplasmosis can be an opportinistic infection which is fatal for PLHIV.
• Examination of Lipid Profile (Cholesterol and Triglycerides): some HIV drugs affect lipid metabolism. High lipid levels tend to cause other medical problems, including heart problems.
• Fasting Glucose Levels: some HIV drugs can increase blood glucose levels and have the potential to cause complications, such as diabetes mellitus.
• Pregnancy test: so that efforts can be made immediately to reduce the risk of HIV transmission to the baby.
Patient preparation and examination materials
- Laboratory tests, such as Fat Function/Lipid Profile and Fasting Blood Sugar, prior to taking a blood specimen the patient is advised to fast for 10-12 hours beforehand.
- Pap smear examination can be done from the 3rd day after menstruation is finished and do not have intercourse first.
- The type of sample needed is urine and blood from a vein.
Author : dr. Tony Iman, Sp.PK (Doctor in charge of Pramita Laboratory Jl. Kelapa Dua Raya No. 18 Jakarta).
To monitor the health status of PLWHA and the success of HIV treatment, several laboratory tests are routinely carried out, including:
• CD4 count: parameter to assess the risk of opportunistic infections and the functioning of the immune system.
• CD4 percentage : said to be more stable than CD4 count in one time period. However, the CD4 count better describes the work of the immune system than the CD4 percentage.
• HIV RNA : to assess response to HIV treatment
• Full Hematology : a frequently requested examination, as it can reveal the presence of infection, anemia and other medical problems.
• Drug Resistance Test : to determine the most suitable drug.
• Blood Chemistry Panel : to monitor side effects of drugs on organs of the body.
• Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) Screening: screening for syphilis, gonorrhea and chlamydia. The presence of an STD can increase the risk of transmitting HIV to others.
• PAP smear (Cervical and Anal): abnormal cell growth in the cervix (women) and anus (men and women) which often occurs in PLWHA can degenerate malignantly if not treated early.
• Hepatitis A, B and C tests: co-infection with hepatitis is not uncommon in PLHIV.
• Tuberculosis test: in PLHIV, untreated TB can be fatal. TB detection and treatment is important to prevent transmission of TB to others.
• Screening for Toxoplasmosis : Toxoplasmosis can be an opportinistic infection which is fatal for PLHIV.
• Examination of Lipid Profile (Cholesterol and Triglycerides): some HIV drugs affect lipid metabolism. High lipid levels tend to cause other medical problems, including heart problems.
• Fasting Glucose Levels: some HIV drugs can increase blood glucose levels and have the potential to cause complications, such as diabetes mellitus.
• Pregnancy test: so that efforts can be made immediately to reduce the risk of HIV transmission to the baby.
Patient preparation and examination materials
- Laboratory tests, such as Fat Function/Lipid Profile and Fasting Blood Sugar, prior to taking a blood specimen the patient is advised to fast for 10-12 hours beforehand.
- Pap smear examination can be done from the 3rd day after menstruation is finished and do not have intercourse first.
- The type of sample needed is urine and blood from a vein.
Author : dr. Tony Iman, Sp.PK (Doctor in charge of Pramita Laboratory Jl. Kelapa Dua Raya No. 18 Jakarta).