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Thu, 8 Dec 2022
Based on AEM modeling data, in 2021 it is estimated that there will be around 526,841 people living with HIV with an estimated 27 thousand new cases. Where, about 40% of the new infection cases occur in women.
The reasons range from the COVID-19 pandemic, low retention of ARV treatment, inequalities in HIV services and the perceived stigma and discrimination that stems from a lack of public knowledge about HIV-AIDS.
Director of Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases (P2PM) of the Ministry of Health Imran Pambudi said that 12,553 children under the age of 14 were infected with HIV. HIV cases in children are mostly experienced by children under the age of 4, with a total of 4,764 people. The data above is data collected from 2020 to September 2022. This shows that efforts to prevent HIV transmission from mother to child still need strengthening.' '.
Those who have been infected with HIV/AIDS are called PLWHA, which stands for People with HIV/AIDS who are often ostracized from society because their presence is considered to be harmful to the surrounding environment. In fact HIV will not be transmitted simply through social contact.
HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is a type of virus that can attack the human immune system. This virus will attack T cells which are a type of white blood cells that play a role in the production of antibodies and attack foreign cells that enter the body. The next stage of HIV infection is AIDS, which is a collection of symptoms caused by damage to the body's immune system.
The three ways HIV is transmitted are:
• Sexual intercourse (80-90% of total cases worldwide)
• Direct contact with blood/syringe and body fluids
• Vertically → from pregnant women living with HIV to their babies both during pregnancy, during delivery or after delivery.
In PLHIV, opportunistic infections (OI) are often found in various organ systems of the body. They will also have an increased risk of various types of malignancies, such as cervical cancer, Kaposi's sarcoma and lymphoma. Because of this, PLWHA often experience symptoms of systemic infections such as fever, sweats (especially at night), swollen glands, chills, weakness/fatigue, appetite disturbances, and weight loss.
Even though it is said that there is no drug that can really cure HIV/AIDS, the development of the virus can be inhibited with ARVs (Antiretrovirals). Thus the body of PLHIV will get the opportunity to rebuild its immune system. With an improved immune system, it is hoped that the body can overcome infections so that the quality of life becomes better and life expectancy becomes longer.
People living with HIV do not need to be shunned, because by taking anti-HIV drugs regularly, the immune system will be protected, with good and correct management, transmission of the HIV virus can be prevented.
Besides that, other preventive measures are also needed, such as:
• Prevent exposure to other sexually transmitted diseases
• Do not share in the use of needles, cutlery and other personal equipment
• Limiting exposure to possible infections, including tuberculosis, germs in feces, saliva or germs on animal skin
• Do not consume uncooked food, including undercooked eggs, raw milk, cheese, unpasteurized fruit juices and raw vegetables.
• Do not drink untreated water, including drinking tap water even though it is fit for drinking.
• Be aware of possible exposure to opportunistic infections at work, at home and on vacation.
With good and correct treatment and management, it is very possible for PLWHA to have partners who are not PLWHA and cannot always transmit it, mothers with PLHA can also give birth to children who are not infected with HIV.
Writer :
dr. Tony Iman, Sp.PK (Doctor in charge of Pramita Laboratory Jl. Kelapa Dua Raya No. 18 Jakarta).
Reference :
The reasons range from the COVID-19 pandemic, low retention of ARV treatment, inequalities in HIV services and the perceived stigma and discrimination that stems from a lack of public knowledge about HIV-AIDS.
Director of Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases (P2PM) of the Ministry of Health Imran Pambudi said that 12,553 children under the age of 14 were infected with HIV. HIV cases in children are mostly experienced by children under the age of 4, with a total of 4,764 people. The data above is data collected from 2020 to September 2022. This shows that efforts to prevent HIV transmission from mother to child still need strengthening.' '.
Those who have been infected with HIV/AIDS are called PLWHA, which stands for People with HIV/AIDS who are often ostracized from society because their presence is considered to be harmful to the surrounding environment. In fact HIV will not be transmitted simply through social contact.
HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is a type of virus that can attack the human immune system. This virus will attack T cells which are a type of white blood cells that play a role in the production of antibodies and attack foreign cells that enter the body. The next stage of HIV infection is AIDS, which is a collection of symptoms caused by damage to the body's immune system.
The three ways HIV is transmitted are:
• Sexual intercourse (80-90% of total cases worldwide)
• Direct contact with blood/syringe and body fluids
• Vertically → from pregnant women living with HIV to their babies both during pregnancy, during delivery or after delivery.
In PLHIV, opportunistic infections (OI) are often found in various organ systems of the body. They will also have an increased risk of various types of malignancies, such as cervical cancer, Kaposi's sarcoma and lymphoma. Because of this, PLWHA often experience symptoms of systemic infections such as fever, sweats (especially at night), swollen glands, chills, weakness/fatigue, appetite disturbances, and weight loss.
Even though it is said that there is no drug that can really cure HIV/AIDS, the development of the virus can be inhibited with ARVs (Antiretrovirals). Thus the body of PLHIV will get the opportunity to rebuild its immune system. With an improved immune system, it is hoped that the body can overcome infections so that the quality of life becomes better and life expectancy becomes longer.
People living with HIV do not need to be shunned, because by taking anti-HIV drugs regularly, the immune system will be protected, with good and correct management, transmission of the HIV virus can be prevented.
Besides that, other preventive measures are also needed, such as:
• Prevent exposure to other sexually transmitted diseases
• Do not share in the use of needles, cutlery and other personal equipment
• Limiting exposure to possible infections, including tuberculosis, germs in feces, saliva or germs on animal skin
• Do not consume uncooked food, including undercooked eggs, raw milk, cheese, unpasteurized fruit juices and raw vegetables.
• Do not drink untreated water, including drinking tap water even though it is fit for drinking.
• Be aware of possible exposure to opportunistic infections at work, at home and on vacation.
With good and correct treatment and management, it is very possible for PLWHA to have partners who are not PLWHA and cannot always transmit it, mothers with PLHA can also give birth to children who are not infected with HIV.
Writer :
dr. Tony Iman, Sp.PK (Doctor in charge of Pramita Laboratory Jl. Kelapa Dua Raya No. 18 Jakarta).
Reference :