Healthy Inspirations
Educational Toys for Children That Can Sharpen Creativity and Imagination
Mon, 8 Nov 2021Children spend more time playing, learning, and exploring various things in the environment around them. In addition to developing skills, the choice of toys also affects the growth and development of children. Why is it like that? Because it can train creativity and imagination. The following toys can educate children's creativity and imagination:LegoDue to its bright colors, this toy is loved by children. Playing with Lego can increase their creativity and imagination, you know. Like getting t...
Read MoreMyth/Fact: Rainwater Can Make Children Cold
Mon, 8 Nov 2021"Don't play outside, it is raining, you are going to be sick!" This sentence is often said by parents to forbid children to play in the rain. No surprise, because during the rainy season, usually more children catch colds or flu. For this reason, rain is thought to cause a child to catch a cold. But is this statement true? a fact or is it just a myth? Based on the information above, the assumption that playing in the rain may cause colds in children is a fact. This does not mean that...
Read MoreSupporting Examination of Stroke
Thu, 4 Nov 2021As an initial step in diagnosis, the doctor will ask the patient or patient's family members about several things, which include:• Symptoms experienced, onset of symptoms, and what the patient was doing when they occurred.• Types of drugs being consumed.• Has the patient ever had a head injury.• Checking the medical history of patients and their families related to heart disease, minor stroke (TIA), and stroke.The recommended examinations for stroke patients include laborator...
Wed, 3 Nov 2021Stroke is a condition when the blood supply to the brain is interrupted or reduced due to a blockage (ischemic stroke) or rupture of a blood vessel (hemorrhagic stroke). Without blood, the brain will not get oxygen and nutrients, so cells in some areas of the brain will die. This condition causes the body parts controlled by the damaged area of the brain to not function properly.Stroke is an emergency condition that needs to be treated as soon as possible, because brain cells can die in just a...
Read MoreKenali Bahaya Kanker Prostat
Wed, 27 Oct 2021PENDAHULUAN Prostat adalah kelenjar yang hanya dimiliki oleh pria dan berfungsi untuk memproduksi cairan air mani, dimana lokasinya berada di bawah kandung kemih dan ukurannya mencapai 15-20 gram saat usia dewasa. Sedangkan yang dimaksud dengan kanker prostat adalah kondisi dimana terjadi perubahan yang bersifat maligna pada jaringan kelenjar prostat dan merupakan keganasan tersering yang ditemukan pada pria. EPIDEMIOLOGI Secara global pada tahun 2018 terdapat sekitar 165.690 kasus k...
Thu, 21 Oct 2021Untuk menegakkan diagnosis penyakit Osteoporosis diperlukan pemeriksaan seperti anamnesis, pemeriksaan fisik, pemeriksaan laboratorium dan pemeriksaan non laboratorium lainnya. PANEL PEMERIKSAAN LABORATORIUM Pemeriksaan Beta – Crosslaps - Beta - CrossLaps dapat digunakan sebagai marker resorpsi tulang yang sensitif mencapai > 70% dan spesifisitas 80% dan penting untuk monitoring pasien dengan pengobatan yang menghambat resorpsi tulang seperti pada penggunaan biphosp...
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