Healthy Inspirations

Truths about Menstruation

Fri, 11 Aug 2023

Myths about Menstruation 

Hi, #sahabatpramita! Today, we will talk about myths surrounding menstruation. There are plenty of myths circulating, but don't worry, we will reveal the truth. Ready? Let's discuss menstruation myths! 

The first myth we often hear is "Don't shower or wash your hair during menstruation." Stop! This is just a myth. Showering and washing hair during menstruation is absolutely fine. In fact, showering can make our body feel refreshed and clean the vaginal area well. 

Then there's another myth, "Don't exercise or move too much during menstruation." Not true! Exercising during menstruation can actually help relieve cramps and improve mood. Choose exercise that is comfortable and suitable for your body condition. 

One more myth is "Don't eat cold food or drink cold drinks during menstruation." This is also a myth. Cold food or drinks have no connection to menstruation. We can still enjoy our favorite foods, including ice cream! 

So, don't believe all the myths surrounding menstruation. Listen to your body and do what feels comfortable. Don't let these myths limit your activities and prevent you from enjoying fun things. Menstruation is natural, you can still be active and have fun!


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