Healthy Inspirations

Pawrent, Anabul, Onty, What Are They?

Thu, 13 Jun 2024

Hello, Friend! Ever heard of the terms "anabul" or "pawrent"? If you're just embarking on your journey into the world of feline parenthood, let's explore a glossary of cat terms that will help you understand better and engage in enjoyable conversations with fellow cat lovers.

1.   Anabul: Short for "anak bulu" (furry child), it's a familiar term for your beloved cat or dog. So, when your friend says "anabul lagi tidur" (the anabul is sleeping again), they're referring to their cat or dog lounging around.

2.   Pawrent, Ongkel, and Onty: Pawrent is like the parent of your anabul. As for ongkel and onty? Yes, those are terms for uncle and aunt in the

language of cats. So, you could be an onty or ongkel to your friend's cat!

3.   WF and DF: These are abbreviations for wet food and dry food. It's important to ask other pawrents, "Eh, anabulmu makan WF atau DF?" (Hey, does your anabul eat wet food or dry food?)

4.   Kibble: Dry food pellets that are a favorite among many anabuls. If someone asks, "kibblenya enak nggak?" (Is the kibble tasty?), they're inquiring about their cat's dry food.

5.   Stray and Feral Cat: A stray cat is a feline that still likes to interact with humans. Meanwhile, a feral cat is one that has returned to the wild and

is difficult to approach.

6.   Adoption and Adopter: Adoption is the process of giving or receiving a new anabul. An adopter? Yes, that's you, fortunate enough to bring home the meow.

7.   Fee, GA, Mahar: These terms often arise during cat adoption transactions. Fee or mahar refers to the necessary payment, while GA (ganti adop)

is usually for reimbursement of cat care expenses.

8.   Foster and Shelter: Foster involves temporarily caring for a cat until they find a new pawrent. Shelter? It's a safe haven for cats seeking new homes.

9.   Hoarder: Someone who collects cats but can't care for them properly. Their intentions might be good, but sometimes the cats are neglected.

10. Sterilize and TNR (Trap, Neuter, Release): Sterilization stops cats from reproducing. TNR is a program to capture, neuter, and release feral cats to control the population without having to care for them.

There you have it, some important terms in the world of cats that you should know. Ready to become a more knowledgeable pawrent and engage in relaxed chats with fellow cat enthusiasts? Welcome to the meowtastic world!


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