Healthy Inspirations

Myth / Fact: Sugar Consumption Triggers Cancer Cell Growth

Mon, 23 Nov 2020
Often we hear that consuming excess sugar can accelerate and aggravate the growth of cancer cells. Myth / Fact?

It's a myth, in fact, there is no research that proves that consuming excessive sugar can accelerate the growth of cancer cells. In several studies that have been conducted, it has been found that cancer cells will not decrease or disappear if the sufferer stops consuming sugar.

Cancer Council Australia CEO, Professor Sanchia Aranda revealed that stopping sugar to prevent cancer also means your body's healthy cells will lack the necessary sugar, this actually makes your immune system less efficient and the possibility of cancer developing.

In fact, excess sugar consumption only actually increase the risk of diabetes and obesity.

So, in order for the body to stay healthy and no complications from in the body, it's good to eat sugar appropriately.
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