Healthy Inspirations

Love your kidneys

Wed, 8 Mar 2023

Kidneys are a pair of organs shaped like kidney beans. Each kidney is about the size of an adult fist. The kidneys are located along the muscular wall of the back of the abdominal cavity. Kidneys play an important role in the human body.

The main functions of the kidneys are:

  1. Filtering the blood
  2. Remove waste products from the body
  3. Responsible for regulating the content of the blood by controlling water volume and maintain electrolytes balance in the body..

This kidney organ is equipped with a pair of ureters, a bladder, and a urethra that will carry urine out of the body. The kidneys not only eliminate waste, but they also reabsorb substances that the body requires, such as sugar, amino acids, potassium, sodium, and other nutrients. The adrenal glands, which are located at the top of each kidney, also have an influence on this function. Each of your kidneys has about a million tiny filters, called nephrons. Many people with kidney disease will not have symptoms because it does not usually cause problems until it reaches an advanced stage.

Symptoms experienced by someone with kidney disorders, among others;

  1. Concentration difficulty
  2. Dry and itchy skin
  3. Blood in urine
  4. Foamy urine
  5. Swollen ankles
  6. Muscle Kramp
  7. Loss of appetite

Some problems with the kidneys that can occur, among others;

  1. Pyelonephritis (inflammation of the kidneys )
  2. Kidney stones
  3. Chronic and acute renal failure.

Efforts to reduce the risk of kidney disease;

  1. Keep your body in shape with exercise
  2. Apply a healthy and balanced diet
  3. Check blood sugar and blood pressure levels on a routine 
  4. Increase water consumption
  5. Quit smoking
  6. Screening, mostly targeting high-risk individuals for kidney disease include: diabetes; high blood pressure; family history of kidney failure 

By regularly doing Medical Check-up and implementing a healthy lifestyle, life will be more quality, avoid kidney disease and other diseases.

Author : Dian Rahma Dewi, dr  (Doctor of medical services PRAMITA Clinical Laboratory Surabaya Branch Adityawarman)

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