Healthy Inspirations

Laboratory Tests in Pregnancy with Preeclampsia

Thu, 7 Sep 2023

The examinations that can be conducted are as follows:

  • Anamnesis conducted by the doctor to determine the patient's medical history, previous pregnancy history, and complaints experienced during pregnancy.
  • Physical examination, including blood pressure measurement, nutritional status assessment, and other examinations to identify risk factors, signs, and symptoms of hypertension during pregnancy.
  • Ancillary examinations such as laboratory tests and ultrasonography during pregnancy to detect complications of hypertension during pregnancy and assess fetal growth.

Laboratory tests that need to be performed include:

  • The sFlt-1/PlGF ratio, which is an angiogenic factor that can predict the onset of preeclampsia, eclampsia, or HELLP earlier than traditional preeclampsia diagnosis.
  • Hematological tests to assess if there is a decrease in platelet count.
  • A 24-hour urinalysis to assess protein levels in the urine.
  • Serum creatinine examination to assess kidney function.
  • Liver enzyme tests to assess liver function.
  • Lipid profile and blood sugar tests to assess the risk factors for hypertension during pregnancy.
  • LDH (Lactate Dehydrogenase) enzyme examination to assess complications in organs caused by hypertension during pregnancy.


Author: Dr. Syahni Wirdani Pulungan, M.D. (Clin-Path), Sp.PK (Medical Director of PRAMITA Clinical Laboratory Branch at Jl. Plaju No. Palembang).

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