Healthy Inspirations


Mon, 30 Nov 2020
Myoma is a health problem that can occur in women of reproductive age. This disease is associated with the uterus, so the symptoms cannot be separated from these organs' function.


Uterine myoma is a benign neoplasm composed of uterine smooth muscle and connective tissue that supports it and is often referred to as fibromyoma, leiomyoma or fibroid.
Uterine myomas are present in 20% of women aged 20-35 years. Myomas cannot be detected before puberty and are hormonal responsive, which will enlarge at childbearing age and after menopause only about 10% of myomas are still growing.

Uterine myomas are not associated with the increased risk of uterine cancer and almost never become cancerous. Myomas can vary in size from invisible to very large.


The exact cause is still unknown. It is suspected that the stimulation of the hormone estrogen because uterine myomas are found mostly at reproductive age and a low incidence at menopause as well as a family history of myoma.


Some of the symptoms that arise are:

1 abnormal bleeding (hypermenorrhea, menometroragia)
2 Pain
3 Symptoms due to suppression:
o Polyuria
o Constipation
o Urine retention
o Dyspareunia
o Infertility
o Abortion


Proper handling needs to be done. If not, various serious consequences can occur, including infertility and leiomyosarcoma and rare muscle cancer. Therefore, it is necessary to make several prevention efforts, including the following:
1. Exercise regularly
2. Maintain weight
3. Eat lots of foods containing high fiber, rich in vitamin D and iron
4. Knowing the symptoms of uterine myoma and immediately consult a doctor if there are complaints.

Author: dr. Meilinda Pratiwi (Doctor of PRAMITA Clinical Lab Medical Services Branch Jl. Ragunan Raya P-3 Pasar Minggu Jakarta)
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