Healthy Inspirations

Kerokan: A Health Legacy Through the Ages

Fri, 12 Jul 2024

Kerokan, a popular traditional healing method in Indonesia, is known by various names in different regions, such as kerikan or kerik. Often regarded as a simple healing method, kerokan has a rich history and a profound philosophy.

Kerokan has a long and fascinating story, from ancient China to all across Asia, including Indonesia, where it has become part of the traditional medical heritage.

Origin of Kerokan

Originating from China between 1368 and 1644 AD, kerokan or Gua Sha is a healing method believed to expel 'wind' from the body. This technique then spread to various

Asian countries, including Indonesia, where it is known as kerokan and has become part of the traditional healing legacy passed down through generations.

Interesting Facts About Kerokan

As we know, friction between two objects generates a certain energy. The friction in kerokan between the skin and the scraping tool generates heat. Naturally, this friction effect makes the body warmer due to the heat generated.

  1. More Than Just Expelling Wind
  2. Although many believe that kerokan can expel wind, medically, kerokan helps relax muscles and improve blood circulation.
  3. Increase in Endorphins
  4. When scraped, the body releases endorphins, known as the happiness hormones, which explains why many people feel better after undergoing kerokan.
  5. A Continuing Tradition
  6. Despite rapid medical advancements, kerokan is still enjoyed by various social classes in Indonesia.
  7. A Cultural Symbol
  8. Kerokan is not only a therapeutic treatment but also a cultural symbol that has been passed down from generation to generation. 
  9. Conclusion

Kerokan is more than just a traditional healing method. It is a cultural heritage rich in history and benefits. By understanding its origins and unique facts, we can better appreciate and understand this practice as part of a valuable cultural heritage.

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