Healthy Inspirations

Important Nutrition for Women, from Calcium to Vitamin B12

Mon, 23 Nov 2020
Women are known for their ability to multitask as well as put others above themselves, endurance, extraordinary strength and much more.
For that, it is important to maintain the nutrition of the food they absorb. Making healthier choices now will ensure you stay healthy in the future. It is a known fact that when a woman eats healthy, her whole family eats healthy and stays healthy.

Eating healthy doesn't always mean eating exotic fruits and vegetables or coming up with complicated recipes. Eating healthy is mostly about eating clean food, fresh produce, local and seasonal foods and staying active with a purpose in life, as well as some of the nutrients that need to be consciously added to the diet so that certain diseases can be avoided in the future. Here are some nutrients and food sources that need to be added daily in our diet.

Important nutrition for women's health
1. Calcium & Vitamin D
2. Iron
3. Protein
4. Omega 3 fatty acids
5. Vitamin B12
Women have special nutritional needs. They have hormones that fluctuate every month, they have periods and blood loss every month, they experience many things emotionally and physically through life such as marriage, childbirth, breastfeeding, parenting and then menopause. Therefore, it is very important to take care of his health first. Households that have healthy women have families that stay healthy and fit and make good lifestyle choices.
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