Healthy Inspirations
Heart Disease as the Silent Killer?
Tue, 8 Aug 2023Heart Disease as the Silent Killer?
Heart disease is known as one of the silent killer diseases. It can strike without any signs or symptoms. Moreover, it is no longer only suffered by the elderly, but many of those in their productive age also have heart disease.
Symptoms of Heart Disease In addition to being known as a silent killer, coronary heart disease is also considered more deadly than cancer. There are many risk factors that can lead someone to develop heart disease, such as smoking, hypertension, cholesterol, diabetes mellitus, and even heredity from parents or siblings (heart disease at an age less than 55 in men and under 65 in women).
Regarding coronary heart disease, there are some characteristics we should be aware of for typical and atypical chest pains:
- Typical Chest Pain, which includes: feelings of pressure, heaviness, choking, discomfort, burning, heat, heavy breathing felt in the middle or left chest, which can spread to the solar plexus, neck, chin, back, arm, and left shoulder.
- Atypical Chest Pain, which includes: symptoms resembling stomach pain or other digestive disturbances, such as bloating and solar plexus pain.
Heart Disease Prevention As we know, an unhealthy lifestyle is often the main cause of someone developing heart disease. Therefore, the most effective way to reduce the risk of a heart attack is to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Start by reducing the intake of saturated fats, salt, and sugar. Maintain an ideal weight by balancing daily activities and calorie intake. Stop smoking now and avoid excessive stress. Monitor blood pressure and evaluate it regularly.
Heart Disease Examination • Cholesterol test • CPK/CK • CKMB • LDH • Troponin I • NT Pro BNP • hs-CRP • ECG • Treadmill Test • Echocardiography
Author: Dr. Surti Primaningrum (Medical Service Doctor at PRAMITA Clinical Laboratory Branch Jl. Prof. Dr. HM. Yamin No. 92A-92E Medan)