Healthy Inspirations

Healthy life, quality life

Sat, 29 Jan 2022
In a healthy body there is a strong soul. Everyone must always be healthy and avoid various disease disorders because with the body and mind that is always healthy, the welfare of life can increase.
Health is a very valuable thing, which we often realize if we fall ill. This health must always be maintained and one way is to apply a healthy lifestyle every day to produce quality life and bring a positive influence on the environment.
A healthy lifestyle is a pattern for maintaining or supporting body organs to function properly and avoid various kinds of disorders of diseases that are continuously applied to achieve their goals. Undergoing a healthy lifestyle is not easy and one of the most difficult things is to maintain this healthy living habit especially fighting the laziness arising and the habit of underestimating the importance of maintaining health. It takes a strong discipline and commitment to realize it is not just a philosophy.
The following are steps that can be applied as an effort to live a healthy life:
• Regular exercise.
To keep the body healthy to do sports at least 150 minutes per week. Sports can make the body stretch and launch blood circulation. No need to do heavy exercise and choose the preferred type of exercise so that it is not lazy or a burden when doing it.
• Active moves every day.
Add your gestures every day with light physical activity such as walking from the parking lot or choosing using stairs rather than the elevator.
• Sleep and rest enough.
Try to sleep 7-8 hours every night. The disruption of sleep or rest will result in the body of energy shortage, affect mood and affect the body's immunity.
• Drink more water.
Make sure that daily water intake is well fulfilled, at least 6-8 glasses every day. Because lack of water intake every day will cause dehydration and affect the body's metabolic system.
• Regular diet.
• Healthy diet with balanced nutrition.
So that the body can grow, develop and function properly, need to be kept nutrient intake that enters the body and also must be considered how to process food or drinks so that it does not damage the nutritional content.
• Manage stress well.
Everyone must have experienced stress, can be due to work, finance, relationships with other people or even daily activities. But what's important is how we can manage and control stress well so it doesn't become a nuisance. Because prolonged stress can affect the overall physical health. One way to deal with stress is to take a moment to relax and do things that are liked.
• Familiarize clean life.
Healthy living behaviors other than food and beverage intake are also influenced by self and environmental hygiene.
• Avoid cigarettes and alcoholic drinks.
Applying a healthy lifestyle should not be careless because it must be adjusted to age, gender, physical activity and health conditions. We recommend that you first consult your doctor and do a medical check-up to know the latest health conditions.
Author: Ra. Ryana Fhe, Dr. MM (Manager of the Pramita  Laboratory Clinic Jl. Martadinata No. 135 Bandung)
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