Healthy Inspirations

Food Allergy Check Panel

Thu, 11 Nov 2021

To establish the diagnosis of diseases caused by food allergies, examinations such as history taking, physical examination and laboratory investigations are needed.

Laboratory tests for food allergies include examination of:

Eosinophils, Total IgE and panel specific IgE 54 types.

The 54 type specific IgE panel already includes many types of allergens ranging from food allergens, such as; eggs, components of milk, cheese, chicken, duck, beef, goat, pork, chocolate, coffee, nuts, wheat, seafood, tomatoes, garlic, strawberry, kiwi and inhaled and contact allergens, such as; dust mites, certain animal hair and epithelia, grasses and fungi. As for food intolerance, this can be done by examining the 46 types of IgG Food Tolerance Test panel, which is used to detect 46 types of food that can cause allergy symptoms.

The examination procedure is quite simple, it only requires a patient's blood sample from venous blood and does not require special preparation for the patient beforehand.

Author : dr. Firman Adi Prasetyo (Medical Consultant Doctor at PRAMITA Clinic Lab Jl. Ngagel Jaya No. 71 Surabaya)

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