Healthy Inspirations

Examinations to Support Asthma Diagnosis

Thu, 11 Jul 2024

To establish an asthma diagnosis, the following examinations are required:

  1. Physical Examination by a Doctor This examination is useful to determine the presence of personal or family medical history, or contact with allergens. Additionally, it can assess the physical condition or breathing sounds produced.
  2. Complete Hematology Examination Useful for detecting the presence of inflammation in the body and identifying any chronic diseases that might affect the patient's condition.
  3. Total IgE Examination This examination is used to determine the presence of allergic factors that can trigger asthma symptoms in patients.
  4. Chest X-Ray (PA View) This examination is helpful to detect any inflammation caused by asthma or any secondary infection in the lungs.
  5. Spirometry Examination Used to assess lung function, where any airway obstruction indicating asthma can be observed.

Note: Understanding and undergoing these examinations is crucial for early detection and appropriate treatment of asthma. Maintain your lung health with regular check-ups!

Author: Dr. Nety Kurniati (Clinic Manager at PRAMITA Main Clinic, Jl. Matraman Raya No. 24, East Jakarta)



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