Healthy Inspirations

Breast Cancer Screening Panel

Thu, 31 Oct 2024

Breast cancer ranks first in the number of cancer cases and is the leading cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide each year. Risk factors closely associated with the increased incidence of breast cancer include being female, age over 50, family and genetic history, a history of breast disease, early menstruation (<12 years) or late menarche (>55 years), reproductive history, hormonal factors, obesity, alcohol consumption, a history of radiation exposure to the chest wall, and environmental factors.

After being diagnosed with breast cancer by a specialist, breast cancer survivors will undergo therapy based on the doctor's recommendations, such as surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, or targeted therapy. Regular monitoring becomes crucial to prevent recurrence in the future.

In breast cancer, the tumor markers often monitored are CEA and CA15-3. It is known that changes in the concentration of these markers reflect the status of disease progression. Testing both markers simultaneously can improve sensitivity.

Breast ultrasound is a specific type of ultrasound conducted to examine the condition of the breast and detect disorders and various abnormalities, such as cysts and tumors.

Author: Dr. Nunung Dartini W, M.Sc., Sp.PK(K), FISQua (Laboratory Head of PRAMITA Branch Salatiga)

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