Celebrating it’s 432nd anniversary, Medan held an event called Medan Great Sale. Here, all of Pramita’s Friends can enjoy the special discount for the Medical Check Package. Here is the list of the tests of the Medical Check Packag...
Apapun passionmu, apapun sosmedmu, pastikan kamu keren. Yuk follow akun Pramita Lab dan dapetin keringanan biaya 10%* untuk pemeriksaan di #LaboratoriumKlinikPramitaTunggu apalagi! Yuk check up!*Syarat dan Ketentuan Berlaku
Many things trigger infertility in men, one of which is the condition of unhealthy sperm. To prevent infertility in men, #sahabatpramita needs to know the characteristics of unhealthy sperm in order to take the right steps in overcoming it.Let's...
Merayakan HUTnya yang ke- 432, Kota Medan mengadakan event Medan Great Sale. Dalam event ini, Sahabat Pramita bisa mendapatkan DISKON paket pemeriksaan yang terdiri dari Hematologi Lengkap , Urine Lengkap, Glukosa Darah Puasa, Asam...
Sahabat PRAMITA in celebrating the 77th Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia, take advantage of "Promo Kemerdekaan". Promo valid from 08-20 August 2022.For further information, please contact the nearest PRAMITA Clinical Laboratory in your...
Celebrating National Health Day, get 25 % Discount for all item availableThis special offer valid from 07 - 12 November 2022For further information please text us on our customer Whatspp Chat Service +62 888 0305 7700(on business hour)*Terms and Cond...