News and Release
Medical Checkup - Bapak Teuku Wisnu
Wed, 22 Feb 2023Thank you to Mr. Teuku Wisnu @teukuwisnu - Entrepreneur, for trusting him to carry out examinations in the Lab. PRAMITA Clinic Ragunan Jakarta Branch.Greetings healthy and successful always.#pramitalabragunan #proudlyservingyou #teukuwisnu #loveyourlife
Read MoreEdukasi Kesehatan Perlunya Pencegahan & Deteksi Dini Penyakit Kanker
Fri, 17 Feb 2023Lab. PRAMITA Clinic Magelang Branch, on February 14 2023, located at Taman Kyai Langgeng (TKL) Ecopark, held a Healthy Talk on the Need for Prevention & Early Detection of Cancer for the Ceria Morning Street Community, Magelang City.As many as 80 members attended, including the Head of the Magelang City Police (AKBP. Yolanda Evalyn Sebayang S.I.K., M.M), the Regional Secretary for the City of Magelang (Mr. Joko Buiyono), Businessmen and Doctors in the City of Magelang.Apart from conducting H...
Read MoreMedical Check Up - Ps. Ivan Tjakra
Fri, 17 Feb 2023Thanks to Ps. Ivan Tjakra @stevannusjordan always entrusts periodic health checks at the Lab. PRAMITA Clinic Bandung Branch. God bless.Greetings healthy and successful always#pramitalab #proudlyservingyou #psivantjakra #medcheckup #loveyourlife
Read MoreAnniversary 2nd Ranger Max Brother (RMB)
Fri, 17 Feb 2023Establishing good relationships with the community is the Lab's target market. PRAMITA Clinic in increasing customers.On February 12, 2023, Lab. The PRAMITA Clinic, Balikpapan Branch, participated in the 2nd Anniversary of Ranger Max Brother (RMB) Balikpapan, located on the Fisherman's Beach/Cemara-Manggar, Balikpapan City.More than 150 members of the Motorcycle Community were present in the Balikpapan and Samarinda city areas.In this activity, PRAMITA Lab. The Balikpapan branch opened a booth t...
Read MoreSenam Bersama - Sehat Bersama
Fri, 17 Feb 2023The synergy of cooperation in health examination services that has been established quite well so far has been realized by the Lab. The PRAMITA Clinic Palembang Branch by providing free support for temporary blood sugar checks and measuring blood pressure for employees of PT. KAI (Persero) Divre III Palembang.Inspection services will be provided on February 10, 2023 when the "Joint Gymnastics - Healthy Together" activity is held in the PT. KAI (Persero) Divre III Palembang, Jl. General Ahmad Yan...
Read MoreKegiatan Pelatihan Menjaga Kesehatan Karyawan
Fri, 17 Feb 2023Lab. The PRAMITA Clinic, Tasikmalaya Branch, on February 8 2023 was given the opportunity to be a resource person for training activities to maintain employee health so that they remain productive at work for leaders and employees of the Production Division of CV. Prosperous Gems Tasikmalaya.On this occasion, PRAMITA Lab Tasikmalaya provided Health Education "Preventing Non-Communicable Diseases to Increase Work Productivity" delivered by dr. Rafa Assidiq (medical consultant doctor at PRAMITA La...
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