News and Release

Kegiatan Donor Darah

Sat, 25 Feb 2023

Lab. The PRAMITA Clinic Manado Branch on February 15 2023 synergized with the Sintesa Peninsula Hotel Manado and PMI Manado city to hold a blood donor activity which is an activity carried out by the Sintesa Peninsula Manado Hotel every year.

The blood donation event, which was held one day after Valentine's Day, was enthusiastically welcomed by several hotel employees in the city of Manado to donate blood. The benefits for regular blood donors can help stimulate the production of new cells, the body stays healthy & works more efficiently and productively. In this activity, PRAMITA Lab Manado Branch provided free laboratory tests including blood sugar, hypertension, heart screening and information on the importance of knowing health conditions early on by conducting regular health checks.

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