News and Release

Contribution of PRAMITA Lab Makassar Branch in Several Events

Sat, 18 Mar 2023

Lab. The PRAMITA Clinic Makassar Branch contributed to the Hybrid Webinar "Synergy to Create a Stunting-Free Superior Generation" which was held by Pelamonia Makassar TK II Hospital on March 4 2023. More than 75 offline participants and more than 500 online participants from several other cities attended.And on March 5, 2023, Lab. The Makassar Branch of the PRAMITA Clinic has contributed to the success of commemorating World Child Cancer Day 2023 which is being held by the Indonesian Cancer Chil...

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Contribution of PRAMITA Lab Makassar Branch in Several Events

Sat, 18 Mar 2023

Lab. The PRAMITA Clinic Makassar Branch contributed to the Hybrid Webinar "Synergy to Create a Stunting-Free Superior Generation" which was held by Pelamonia Makassar TK II Hospital on March 4 2023. More than 75 offline participants and more than 500 online participants from several other cities attended.And on March 5, 2023, Lab. The Makassar Branch of the PRAMITA Clinic has contributed to the success of commemorating World Child Cancer Day 2023 which is being held by the Indonesian Cancer Chil...

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Pencanangan Crash Program Imunisasi Polio Provinsi Riau

Sat, 18 Mar 2023

PRAMITA Laboratory Pekanbaru Branch on March 6 2023 built synergies by actively contributing to the movement "Declaring the Riau Province Polio Immunization Crash Program", taking place at the Pekanbaru Vaccine Mall Building Jl. Melur, Sukajadi.The event was attended by the Head of the Riau Provincial Health Office (Mr. H. Zainal Arifin, SKM, M. Kes), the Head of the Sukajadi Subdistrict Head Office (Dr. Andin Niantima Primasari, S.IP, M.Sc) and also attended by representatives of Musp...

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Anniversary 3th Asosiasi Ibu Menyusui Indonesia (AIMI) Cabang Madiun

Sat, 18 Mar 2023

Laboratorium Klinik PRAMITA Cabang Madiun, berkonstribusi dalam Bincang Santai memperingati  Anniversary 3th  Asosiasi Ibu Menyusui Indonesia (AIMI) Cabang Madiun yang   diadakan pada tgl 05 Maret 2023, bertempat  di Sun City Mall Kota Madiun. Acara dihadiri lebih dari 100 peserta, diantaranya Wakil Walikota Madiun, Ibu Inda Raya Ayu M. Putri, SE., MIB selaku Penasehat Asosiasi Ibu Menyusui Indonesia. 

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Vasa Wedding Fair

Sat, 18 Mar 2023

PRAMITA Laboratory Clinic Surabaya, contributed to the success of the Vasa Wedding Fair which was held on March 3-5 2023 at the Vasa Hotel Surabaya Ballroom.The importance of having a general check-up before the wedding was conveyed by the PRAMITA Lab medical consultant doctor to the couple who will be having a wedding. The enthusiasm of the post-education visitors delivered by the doctor was evident with several couples registering on the spot utilizing the facilities provided at the PRAMI...

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HUT BCA ke-66 th

Sat, 18 Mar 2023

PRAMITA Clinical Laboratory Tegal Branch, on 04 March 2023 contributed to the commemoration of the 66th anniversary of BCA held by Bank BCA KCP Tegal city.One of the series of activities was the Fun Walk which was attended by more than 200 BCA customers, BCA partners. At the event Lab. The Tegal Branch of the PRAMITA Clinic opened a free booth table for consulting services by doctors, measuring blood pressure, checking blood sugar and complete one-stop service information that can be done at PRA...

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