News and Release

Various Activities of PRAMITA
Sat, 11 Jan 2025On Wednesday, January 2, 2025, PRAMITA Lab Tegal participated in the “Healthy Month Week for Retired Bank BJB Customers” event at KCP Brebes. Attended by 50 participants, the event served as an opportunity to build trust and partnerships with retired customers. PRAMITA set up a booth offering free health check-up services, enhancing public trust as the top choice for healthcare services in the Tegal region.
On Friday, January 3, 2025, PRAMITA Lab Padang supported the Iron Deficiency Anemia Early Detection activity organized by SMA 14 Padang in collaboration with midwifery students from Andalas University. PRAMITA conducted routine hematology tests for 60 female students with hemoglobin levels below 12g/dl. Additionally, PRAMITA introduced the “Exciting Package” promo to raise health awareness among students.
On Sunday, January 5, 2025, PRAMITA Lab Semarang participated in the Car-Free Day at Jl. Pahlawan, Semarang. PRAMITA provided free screening services for hypertension and diabetes mellitus while introducing the "Healthy in the New Year" promo. The event successfully attracted public attention, with many eager to start the new year on a healthy note.
Activities in Tegal, Padang, and Semarang demonstrate PRAMITA Lab’s strong commitment to supporting community health. Through education, health services, and attractive promotions, PRAMITA continues to strengthen public trust as a reliable health partner.